Le Chevalier Noir par Brandon Peterson

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La Veuve Noire par Daimon Hampton

War Machine par Keron Grant

Très réussi.

Le Chevalier Noir par Alex Owens

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Iron Man par Jason Larouche


Ed Tadeo


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La Sorcière Rouge par David Cabeza


Tom Brevoort à propos des Dark Avengers de Bendis/Deodato Jr. (réédité ces jours-ci en VO) :

The first issue of DARK AVENGERS came out on January 21, 2009 and proved to be a monster hit. Which was a bit of a relief to me, as there had been people in the Marvel hierarchy who were convinced that nobody was going to want to read a book focusing on several villains dressed up as other Marvel heroes. But it worked because of Brian Michel Bendis’ ability to delve into the truth of the assorted characters he was writing about and to make their struggles and perspectives feel genuine, even if they were complete psychos. Brian was joined in his efforts by Mike Deodato Jr, with whom he’d previously done a run on NEW AVENGERS . That storyline had been written for Steve McNiven , but McNiv had to step off to do CIVIL WAR , and Deo stepped into the breach. And it wasn’t the best meshing of artist and story, it was a bit of a misfire. But here, having studied how Warren Ellis had approached writing for Deo on THUNDERBOLTS , Brian shifted gears and achieved a smooth and fruitful collaboration with his artist, which was always one of his real strengths. DARK AVENGERS was designed from the beginning as a title that had an expiration date, and when we got to the point where the DARK REIGN storyline was about to climax in SIEGE , the book came to an end. Throughout the run, it had consistently been the top-selling book in the line. When it finished, there were those who advocated for keeping it going, so successful had it been, but in this instance, we held the line and shut it down as planned when the story was over. (There was an ill-conceived attempt to turn THUNDERBOLTS into DARK AVENGERS right at the end of its run in an attempt to pump up sales, the less said about that move, the better.) In any case, this was a prime example of what made Brian’s tenure on AVENGERS so successful for the eight years he wrote it: his willingness to push the envelope, to change things up dramatically, and to give the audience a sense that absolutely anything could happen next. The whole thing was a series of pretty bold storytelling choices, and the run remains a highlight of this era. (Brian was doing similarly good work alongside it in NEW AVENGERS during this same time, but those stories flew a bit more under the radar simply because they weren’t the shiny new penny.)

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Captain Marvel par David Palumbo


Hercule par David Palumbo


Couverture de ?

Couverture variant de Tom Palmer

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Alessandro Pastrovicchio :

Jean-Jacques Dzialowski.


Al Rio


Mike Wehna

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Iron Man vs Hercule par Bob Layton

Bob Layton - Iran Man #147

La Veuve Noire par Angel Medina