BLACK PANTHER #1-18 (Ta-Nehisi Coates / Stelfreeze, Sprouse, Torres)

[quote]BLACK PANTHER #11

Written by: Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Art by: Chris Sprouse.

Covers by: Brian Stelfreeze, Paolo Rivera, Joe Jusko.

Description: « A Nation Under Our Feet » conclusion! The combined fury of T’Challa, Shuri, Manifold and the Hatut Zeraze rains down upon Tetu and Zenzi’s rebellion. But will there be anything left of Wakanda to rule? The storyline comes to an end and leaves behind a startling new status quo.

Pages: 40.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: Feb. 22.[/quote]

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[quote] BLACK PANTHER #12

Written by: Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Art by: Brian Stelfreeze.

Covers by: Brian Stelfreeze, Elizabeth Torque, Joe Jusko.

Description: « A Nation Under Our Feet, » epilogue. The dust settles, and peace comes to Wakanda once again. That is, if her political leaders can come to terms… T’Challa finds himself in the last place he ever expected: A republic.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: March 22. [/quote]

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Toujours aussi magnifique.
Faut vraiment que je reprenne ma lecture.


J’ai acheté le premier TPB, récemment.
J’avais commencé à lire en fascicule, mais je m’étais arrêté assez vite, avec la sensation que c’était aussi beau que soporifique. J’estimais, sans doute dans mon impatience, qu’il ne s’y passait rien.
L’écriture y est très déstabilisante, selon moi. Très littéraire, dans un sens un peu péjoratif. C’est à la fois disert et verbeux : pas beaucoup de mots, mais qui sentent fort l’auteur qui s’écoute faire de belles phrases.
Cette impression dure pendant trois numéros. Les choses commencent à se formaliser (et à se verbaliser) au quatrième. Les trois premiers sont remplis de récitatifs qui donnent accès aux pensées d’un personnage ou bien font profiter des paroles d’une chanson ou d’un poème. Les dialogues y sont aussi rares que cryptiques (et j’aurais presque tendance à dire que les deux épisodes frisent l’incompréhensible, enchaînant des situations dont on reconnaît les personnages mais pas les enjeux.
Tout se précise au quatrième, où les dialogues sont plutôt bien sentis et posent les personnages dans un échiquier complexe, mais plus clair à appréhender.
À la lumière de ce quatrième chapitre, on voit que Coates tire un excellent profit de ce qui a été posé précédemment (notamment par Christopher Priest, qui rétrospectivement s’avère l’un des plus grands pourvoyeurs d’idées sur le personnage, avec Don McGregor). Il donne de l’épaisseur à Ramonda, une existence autre que folklorique aux Dora Milaje. Bref, que du bon. Et la situation bien tendue de la fin de tome laisse le lecteur dans une attente fébrile.
En parlant de volume, hélas, ce premier TPB cède à une mode récente et un peu agaçante, consistant à composer des volumes avec quatre épisodes puis à remplir l’excédent de suppléments (ici, les coulisses de la création et la réédition d’un épisode de Fantastic Four). Alors oui, j’aime bien les vieilleries, mais tout de même, c’est un peu abuser. Heureusement que je chope pas mal de TPB d’occasion, parce que plein pot, c’est plus difficile à passer.


[quote]Black Panther #13
Ta-Nehisi Coates (w) • Wilfredo Torres (a) • Brian Stelfreeze (c)
Variant Covers: J.G. Jones, Jamie McKelvie, Kris Anka & Wilfredo Torres
“AVENGERS OF THE NEW WORLD” STARTS HERE! Eons ago, before Black Panthers, before Wakanda, before time itself…there were only the ORISHAS: Asali. Ogutemeli. Bast. The pantheon of gods and goddesses from which the world as we know it was manifested. But now, when Wakanda burns, they are silent. When she was flooded, they were silent. While her people war amongst themselves, ever silent they remain. Where have all the Wakanda gods gone? T’Challa means to find out… New York Times Best-Selling author TA-NEHISI COATES (Between the World and Me) is joined by rising superstar artist WILFREDO TORRES (Moon Knight) for the kickoff of the next epic season of BLACK PANTHER!
Rating: Ages 12+
In Shops: April 26th, 2017
SRP: $3.99[/quote]

Source :

[quote]BLACK PANTHER #14

Written by: Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Art by: Wilfredo Torres.

Covers by: Brian Stelfreeze, Jamie McKelvie, Andrew Robinson.

Description: « Avengers of The New World » continues. The Wakandan gods have been silent for too long and T’Challa has no answers for his people. T’Challa communes with the spirits of former Black Panthers for insight and all roads lead to a man from T’Challa’s past? …but first T’Challa must deal with the mind-warping Doctor Faustus!

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: May 24. [/quote]

Source :

[quote]BLACK PANTHER #15
Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Art by Wilfredo Torres, Adam Gorham, Terry Pallot, Laura Martin, and Joe Sabino
Published by Marvel Comics
Release Date: June 28, 2017

“AVENGERS OF THE NEW WORLD” CONTINUES! The gods of Wakanda have forsaken T’Challa and his nation. As monsters of might and myth flood our world, the Midnight Angels must act… But whose interests do they serve? The crown’s or their own?[/quote]

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FULL COVER CHARGE! Club Fenris is the most exclusive nightspot in New York City…even a king has trouble getting in! T’Challa needs to get into VIP no matter what Piledriver and Thunderball say about the guest list…Still, without the Wakandan gods looking over his shoulder, there’s no telling what trouble T’Challa will get into…

Black Panther #16

Written by: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Art by: Chris Sprouse
Cover by: Brian Stelfreeze
Page Count: 26 Pages
Age Rating: 12+ Only
Release Date: July 26 2017

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Written by: Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Art by: Chris Sprouse.

Covers by: Brian Stelfreeze, Jenny Frison, Pasqual Ferry.

Description: T’Challa’s got royalty in his DNA, but does he have the loyalty of a goddess in his corner? Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm of the X-Men and former queen of Wakanda, is back in T’Challa’s life. But is it for good this time? Or will country come between a man and his queen again?

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: August 30.

Source :

Black Panther #18

Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Penciled by Chris Sprouse and Wilfredo Torres
Inked by Karl Story and Wilfredo Torres
Colored by Laura Martin
Lettered by VC’s Joe Sabino
T’Challa finds himself in an uneasy alliance with Ayo and Aneka, the Midnight Angels, when a new deity rises to claim Wakanda for its own. And making matters worse, an enemy from Black Panther’s past has resurfaced with ill intentions. It seems Black Panther has one choice — bend the knee, or watch his country burn.


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