Art and Cover by JESÚS SAIZ
On Sale 9/20
Decades ago, Steve Rogers changed the world forever. Now powerful and insidious forces are assembling to ensure he never does it again. Past, present and future collide as the man out of time reckons with an existential threat determined to set the world on a darker path at any cost…
Speaking with io9, Straczynski says, “Overall, the goal is to do some really challenging stories, some really fun stories, and get inside Steve’s head to see who he really is in ways that may not have been fully explored before. If folks like what I did with Peter in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, and Thor in, well… THOR, then they should give this a shot, because I’m really swinging for the bleachers in this one!”
Après je trouve que tous les changements amenés par le run precedents comme la vie sociale de Steve, Bucky, le retour du perso de remender, sharon, le outer circle, le bouclier.
C est 13 numeros et c est tout?
Amazing Spider-Man : il a laissé son nom mais Quesada a fini One More Day à sa place.
Thor : il s’en va en pleine saga et Gillen doit finir.
Supreme Power / Squadron Supreme : jamais de fin.
La relance Red Circle chez DC : jamais de fin.
Ses relances Superman et Wonder Woman : des sbires finissent à sa place.