Le monde est plein de secrets et c’est le travail de John Harrow de les contenir. Le héros de la nouvelle série Deep State imaginée par le scénariste Justin Jordan (Luther Strode, Spread) et l’artiste Ariela Kristantina pour l’éditeur Boom! Studio, Harrow travaille pour le gouvernement en tant que gardien des plus noirs secrets de la Nation.
Mais lorsque apparait sur Terre la véritable raison derrière le voyage sur la Lune, Harrow et sa partenaire Ms. Branch ont bien du mal à assurer la sécurité des citoyens.
Deep State est le premier projet de Justin Jordan (sur les trois prévus) que publiera l’éditeur Boom! Studio à partir de novembre.
[quote]I try to stay to where I’m extrapolating from actual science to get where the stories need to go, and where, if the stuff was revealed, it wouldn’t necessarily make the world unrecognizable to the reader. As a concrete example, I’d say that Warren Ellis’ « Global Frequency » is about where we are in terms of the fantastic stuff.
Now, the secrets – well, the first thing we learn in the very first issue is that the 1969 moon landing was real, unlike the conspiracy theory, but it was actually the third time we’d been to the moon, and the part of the mission you didn’t see was them recovering the bodies from the last trip.
In the real world, the U.S. government has gotten into some extremely shady shit. The version of the government in « Deep State » is just as shady, but somewhat better at not letting them get out. Although I have no proof that someone like John Harrow doesn’t exist in the real world.[/quote]
Le site de l’éditeur: boom-studio.com
Le blog du scénariste: justinjordancomics.blogspot.fr
Le site de la dessinatrice: rie83.daportfolio.com