G.O.D.S. #1-8 (Jonathan Hickman / Valerio Schiti)

Non, un arc de trois épisodes a suffi, avec quelques cases pour expliquer.


Plus court qu’un post de nemo.

1 « J'aime »

Et j ai pourtant tant reduit.

Inflation, tout ça …


The highly-anticipated G.O.D.S. series will see two of the comic book industry’s greatest modern visionaries team up to revolutionize the Marvel Comics cosmology. In addition to seeing iconic omnipotent forces like Eternity, Infinity, and the Living Tribunal in shocking new light, readers will also meet the mysterious agents of THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE, two factions that have schemed and clashed with each other for eons. What is a Babylon Event and why will its’ occurrence finally bring this never-ending war out of the shadows?

Aperçu :


You’ve said that GODS is the other series bible you wrote when you returned to Marvel, along with House of X. How do the two compare ? Is there a shared DNA that fans of House of X will spot, or is GODS a very different beast ? How does the scale of GODS compare to the considerable scale of what you did with House of X ?

I think they’re pretty far apart. I mean, I guess they’re similar in scale, as that’s the kind of stuff I tend to do for Marvel, but one (GODS) is an original concept and the other (X-Men) is a franchise with over a half a century of lore attached to it. That’s a pretty big difference regarding what you can do story-wise because you don’t get to play against existing reader expectations or add a little splash of nostalgia to make a scene have a bit more weight than it would in a vacuum. What you do get is the shiny benefits of something being ‹ new, › which isn’t nothing.

I’ve also been around long enough that my tics have sort of become a style, so I’m sure that might be something people could point to and find similarities, but to me, these are just very different types of stories.

I suppose the closest thing I’ve done to GODS was S.H.I.E.L.D., which was great fun, but I think I’m much more equipped to do a story like this now than I was then.

Ah bah personne n’avait vu les liens.

Si toi ! :grin::wink:

1 « J'aime »

Pourquoi ne suis je pas impatient ?

Parce que… Jonathan X-Man ! :crazy_face:

1 « J'aime »

Qui etait bon pourtant.

Mais là, zero envie.

1 « J'aime »

Le sujet peut etre ?

Ce ne serait pas dans le monde marvel, je serais très partant pour du hickman.

Mais là…

S il reprenait spidey par contre.

Quoiiiiîi ?
Et Tom King arrête les gaufriers ?

(Au sujet de Tom King, je préférerais qu’il arrête la voix off, personnellement, mais je dis ça, je dis rien…)


C’était pour éteindre le gaufrier.