HARDWARE SEASON ONE #1-6 (Brandon Thomas / Denys Cowan)

Hardware: Season One #1

Written by: Brandon Thomas
Art by: Denys Cowan

Curtis Metcalf was the brightest shining star of Alva Industries, a brilliant scientist mentored by Edwin Alva since childhood…until the failures of Alva technology at the “Big Bang” disaster threatened to destroy the company, and Alva needed a scapegoat. Now Curtis is on the run from the Dakota police department…but a man as smart-and paranoid-as Curtis takes precautions. With a nearly indestructible suit of armor and remarkable inventions that he never handed over to Alva, Curtis stands determined to do much more than clear his name…he’s going to take the fight back to Alva himself!

Petite déception.
DC relance (enfin) le Dakotaverse de Milestone, après un one-shot général et donc des mini-séries, des « saisons » pour chaque personnage. On a déjà eu Static, avec un début qui m’a laissé froid. J’ai tenté Hardware, car l’idée initiale m’a toujours paru super : un super-génie afro-américain récupéré enfant par un industriel riche et blanc, qui finance ses études et l’embauche, mais sans jamais lui reverser de droits ; et, donc, la légitime colère du super-génie qui, adulte, se forge une armure pour se venger et rétablir la justice. C’est cool ! Mais j’ai aussi toujours trouvé son look complètement naze, avec ces chaînes et cette allure qui me passent à côté.
J’ai survolé quelques aventures, je connais le concept, et… et je n’ai rien de « neuf » ici. Alors c’est sûr, Brandon Thomas permet aux nouveaux lecteurs de bien découvrir le perso’, mais on est complètement sur du copié-collé des idées initiales. Zéro apport (sauf erreur), zéro nouveauté. Ce #1 est une énorme intro’, très classique et efficace, mais complètement redondante pour quiconque connaît un peu le concept de Hardware. Qui, en plus, a de nouveau son look naze. Super.
Restent les belles planches de Denys Cowan encré par Bill Sienkiewicz, mais… pff, je suis déçu. Je comprends l’idée de revenir aux bases, mais il n’y a pas d’apport et c’est complètement redondant. A ce prix, je préfère encore lire et relire les numéros originaux, qui auront sûrement plus de sel, de force, de rage.

Quel dommage d’être si frileux.

Hardware: Season One #2

Written by: Brandon Thomas
Art by: Denys Cowan

With Dakota convinced that Curtis Metcalf is to blame for the Big Bang riot and the police hot on his trail, Curtis decides to change the game in a way that Edwin Alva won’t see coming. He just needs to find a way to leave the country without getting caught.


Written by: Brandon Thomas.

Art by: Denys Cowan, Bill Sienkiewicz.

Covers by: Mateus Manhanini, Denys Cowan.

Description: So long, Dakota – with bridges burned and allies abandoned, Curtis Metcalf is on the move! He’s tracked down Edwin Alva’s former partner, Asher Sim, in Singapore to get the truth about their early days…and find some leverage he can use. But can Sim be trusted? Or is he as dangerous as Alva?

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99 (variant, $4.99).

In stores: November 30.

Hardware: Season One #4

Written by: Brandon Thomas
Art by: Denys Cowan

With Curtis overseas and the heat closing in back in Dakota, Hardware’s associate—accomplice?—Tiffany faces a dangerous situation…and a difficult choice!

Out of the frying pan and into the fire! Curtis Metcalf returns to Dakota with a bounty on his head and Reprise is looking to collect! But what chance does Hardware have against a man who can make an army of himself at a moment’s notice?

Written by: Brandon Thomas
Art by: Denys Cowan, Bill Sienkiewicz, Chris Sotomayor
Cover by : Mateus Manhanini, Denys Cowan

U.S. Price:
On Sale Date:
May 3 2022
Page Count:

Mercenaries, police, backstabbing businessmen, and more have all tried to keep Curtis Metcalf down. His reputation is in tatters, his suit nearly destroyed, and his body beaten, and still nothing can stop Curtis from getting his revenge. It’s time for Edwin Alva to realize just how big of a mistake he made in underestimating the power of Hardware’s rage!

Written by : Brandon Thomas
Art by: Denys Cowan, Bill Sienkiewicz, Chris Sotomayor
Cover by: Mateus Manhanini, Caanan White

U.S. Price:
On Sale Date:
May 31 2022
Page Count: