Non, mais j’aime ne pas être pris pour un jambon !
Scott Snyder :
I’ve wanted badly to do more creator-owned work since Wytches and A.D.: After Death , but my demands at DC have been exciting, but also all-encompassing.
I mean, I have a writing job there. I’m writing Justice League but also a contract where I bring new writers in as well as helping organize events like Metal. It’s just been really wonderful to have been so invested in DC, but that said it’s also been difficult for me to work on more than one creator-owned at a time.
So this year and the start of 2020 I have this sort of new arrangement that allows for more flexibility so I can do more indie work while still being very invested at what I do at DC. I started on a bunch of books without having any idea where to place them. I have one with Francesco Francavilla that we’re going to announce soon, did one with Charles Soule, and some with a few artists I can’t talk about yet. So I have about four to five books that I’ve been working on the side and what I do is I take about a week to write the whole outline of the first arc and show them to the artist and develop from there. So all those books are being created and worked on right now.
It’s really all a matter of bringing them into the light in 2020 and I’m really thrilled to be bringing back American Vampire . I’ve been meaning to do it forever, but I had other work, Rafael Albuquerque had other work but also DC asked us if we wanted to bring it back in a more celebratory reintroduction for the tenth anniversary, which is 2020. So we’re doing a big arc starting in January that I think will come out in one giant volume instead of floppies and it’s sort of the big culmination of what we’ve been building, all the different threads, everybody comes back. After that, we’re bringing the series up to the present, but we’ve been planning this for a long time.
(W) Scott Snyder (A) Jorge Jimenez, Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran, Alejandro Sanchez, Hi-Fi (CA) Tyler Kirkham (CA) Kenneth Rocafort
In the wake of the Justice/Doom War, the Justice League finds themselves stranded at the far end of the universe and facing a challenge they’ve never faced before. But what will they find on their journey? Has their battle with Perpetua had consequences reaching farther across the cosmos than they ever imagined? Superstar scribe Scott Snyder says farewell to the Justice League with a special story that both winds down all the things he started in issue #1-and nods toward everything that comes next in the DC Universe.
In Shops: Jan 29, 2020
SRP: $3.99
Source :
Haha. Scott Snyder, escroc ! J’ignore si quelqu’un pensait légitimement que l’auteur allait arrêter son immense saga « juste » dans cet épisode, « juste » dans un #39 ; ce n’est évidemment pas le cas. Le scénariste achève une partie d’une intrigue qui a le potentiel pour porter un nouveau Crisis, mais c’est une arnaque de dire que la Justice/Doom War s’achève ici. Car si Perpetua « gagne » en remportant le « coeur » de l’Humanité, qui penche vers Doom, la Justice League est sauvée/ramenée par la Quintessence, et file vers une porte inconnue pour tenter le tout pour le tout. C’est sympa’ à lire, mais ça reste une non-fin, avec l’épique moins présent que dans le dernier épisode. Le graphisme est un peu irrégulier, mais ça se lit bien.
Allez, va, on va voir la suite où que ça soit. Mais quelle escroquerie, quand même.
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