LAURA KINNEY: WOLVERINE #1-2 (Erica Schultz / Giada Belviso)

Following the fall of Krakoa, mutants are hated, feared, mistrusted, and manipulated more than ever. Their only hope is LAURA KINNEY: WOLVERINE!

Just announced by writer Erica Schultz at the Women of Marvel Panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Laura Kinney, AKA Wolverine, will headline an all-new solo ongoing series this December!

Following her work on last year’s X-23: DEADLY REGENESIS, Schultz returns to the iconic character, this time teaming up with rising star artist Giada Belviso (BLOOD HUNTERS, JACKPOT & BLACK CAT). LAURA KINNEY: WOLVERINE begins an exciting new era for Logan’s daughter, who’s enjoyed previous success with solo runs including Tom Taylor’s acclaimed ALL-NEW WOLVERINE.

The new series will see Wolverine enter the darkest corners of the Marvel Universe, places that neither the X-Men nor her friends in NYX would dare go, to defend mutants who can’t defend themselves. Her violent methods and unstoppable determination make her a one-mutant army, striking fear in those that take advantage of her kind. But as her reputation grows and more mutants in need turn to her, she may just find herself a target herself…

Missions so dire Wolverine must go it alone! Wolverine takes the fight to those who stand as enemies of mutantkind! Laura Kinney was bred to be the ultimate assassin as X-23. She’s long left that life behind, but as she encounters mutants being forced to use their powers against their will, Wolverine takes it upon herself to right these wrongs—no matter who stands in her way! Join Wolverine as she embarks on missions abroad, ready the fight to mutant oppressors wherever they may hide!

“We want to show you all different sides of Laura. There will be laughing and crying,” teased Schultz. “Laura has dealt with a lot, and when she’s met her other clones, she’s asked herself ‘Is that the person I’m supposed to be? Am I fated to be that person? Should I take my own path, or end up like Logan?’ She decides to forge her own path. This will be her solo adventure.”

WOLVERINE takes the fight to those who stand as enemies of mutantkind! LAURA KINNEY was bred to be the ultimate assassin as X-23. She’s long left that life behind, but as she encounters mutants being forced to use their powers against their will, WOLVERINE takes it upon herself to right these wrongs – no matter who stands in her way!

Creative Team

  • Writer: Erica Schultz
  • Artist: Giada Belviso
  • Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
  • Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
  • Designer: Jay Bowen
  • Standard Cover Artist(s): Elena Casagrande & Edgar Delgado
  • Variant Cover Artist(s): J. Scott Campbell; Jay Anacleto; Kael Ngu; Pablo Villalobos; Lesley ‘Leirix’ Li; Peach Momoko; Sabine Rich
  • Editor: Mark Basso
  • Associate Editor: Drew Baumgartner & Cy Pedro Beltran
  • Format: Limted Series
  • Page Count/Cover Price: 32 pages/ $4.99

WOLVERINE takes the fight to those who stand as enemies of mutantkind inLaura Kinney: Wolverine #1 on shelves and digital platforms on December 11, 2024, from Marvel Comics

Lancement correct, sans grande folie ou imagination, mais correct. Erica Schultz s’empare d’une X-23 assez accessoire dans NYX, pour la montrer atteinte par la chute de Krakoa et incapable d’en parler. Elle voit que, dans la Maison de Krakoa qui fut jadis le repaire des X-Men à New York et est devenue un lieu de pèlerinage depuis, des mots sont laissés pour des disparus, et elle est touchée par la lettre d’une soeur espérant retrouver son frère. Elle comprend qu’il a disparu à Dubaï, elle y va, croise une Mutante qui recueille d’autres dans le besoin, cherche encore, trouve Cybelle, ancienne Morlock tuée par les Maraudeurs et ramenée sur Krakoa, qui depuis veut tout pour elle, en abusant d’autres Mutants dont elle vend les services (le frère « donne » des émotions aux gens, donc du kiff). Laura libère sa victime, Cybelle s’enfuie, X-23 ramène le frère à sa soeur et décide d’aider les Mutants paumés. Elle enquête sur une arrivée d’armes à Hell’s Kitchen… et est confrontée par Elektra en Daredevil !
C’est correct, oui. Sans grand enthousiasme, mais ça se laisse lire. Erica Schultz gère bien Laura, c’est basique et les rebondissements sont attendus, mais ça demeure fluide, efficace, avec des dessins nerveux de Giada Belviso, même si c’est rarement joli. Je doute que ça puisse durer longtemps, mais ce #1 fonctionne.

Un lancement correct mais basique, qui aurait été plus agréable en one-shot.

Pas ouf visuellement, pas ouf scénaristiquement. Ça rentre bien dans les critères de la prod actuelle de Marvel Comics.

2 « J'aime »

Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2

WOLVERINE is back in New York City! And what crosses her claws but the sais of none other than DAREDEVIL, WOMAN WITHOUT FEAR?! Fear and hatred of mutants is at an all-time high, and if Laura can’t sniff out a terrorist plot before its unveiling, humans will die and mutants will be to blame! Can Laura solve the mystery in time?

Creative Team

  • Writer: Erica Schultz
  • Artist: Giada Belviso
  • Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
  • Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
  • Designer: Jay Bowen
  • Standard Cover Artist(s): Elena Casagrande & Edgar Delgado
  • Variant Cover Artist(s): Pablo Villalobos; Emanuela Lupacchino; Romy Jones
  • Editor: Mark Basso
  • Associate Editor: Drew Baumgartner & Cy Pedro Beltran
  • Format: Limted Series
  • Page Count/Cover Price: 32 pages/ $4.99

WOLVERINE takes the fight to those who stand as enemies of mutantkind inLaura Kinney: Wolverine #1 on shelves and digital platforms on December 11, 2024, from Marvel Comics