Premier TPB : lu et approuvé !
Ca commence très bien, cette série.
Une entrée en matière sanglante et très efficace, qui permet d’apprécier les capacités physiques impressionnantes du personnage principal, avant une plongée tendue comme un arc dans cette dystopie où les maîtres mots sont richesse, familles…et coup de poignards dans le dos.
Encore un bon boulot de caractérisation de la part de Greg Rucka qui avance ses pions avec minutie, dose ses révélations et fait bien monter la tension jusqu’à un quatrième épisode explosif.
Et avec les dessins de Michael Lark, ses personnages expressifs, son découpage limpide et sa maîtrise des ambiances, c’est un plaisir pour les mirettes.
[quote]Lazarus #10
Story by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Cover by Michael Lark
Publisher Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date Wed, August 6th, 2014
“EXTRACTION” A stand-alone in the critically-acclaimed and New York Times bestselling series, this issue sets the stage for the third arc of LAZARUS, “Conclave.” In the wake of his failed attempt to seize control of his Family, Jonah Carlyle ran for his life and straight into the arms of the enemy. But in the embrace of the Bittner and Hock Families, there is no shelter, aid, or comfort to be found.[/quote]
[quote]LAZARUS #11
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Published by Image Comics
Release Date: September 10, 2014
“CONCLAVE,” Part One
For the first time in the 65 years since they divided the world, the 16 Families are gathering again. For Malcolm Carlyle, it is an opportunity to identify and eliminate his enemies. For Jakob Hock, it is an opportunity to exact for revenge. And for Forever Carlyle, it’s the first step in discovering the truth about who she is, and what she is destined to become.[/quote]
[quote]Lazarus #12
Story by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Cover by Owen Freeman
Publisher Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date Wed, October 22nd, 2014
« CONCLAVE, » Part Two
The rulers of the world have gathered in high-security luxury, and now every Family is vying for advantage. Joacquim Morray makes his intentions known to Forever, and Jakob Hock advances his plan to destroy the Carlyle Family once and for all.[/quote]
[quote]LAZARUS #13
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Published by Image Comics
Release Date: November 26, 2014
“CONCLAVE,” Part Three
Surrounded by decadent luxury, the Conclave of the 16 Families continues. As new alliances are formed and old ones destroyed, Forever is dispatched by her father with a uncharacteristically straightforward mission: kill her brother, Jonah.[/quote]
[quote]Lazarus #14
Story by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Cover by Owen Freeman
Publisher Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date Wed, January 14th, 2015
“CONCLAVE,” Part Four Forever has been sent by her father to kill her traitorous brother, Jonah. What happens next is the start of a revolution.[/quote]
[quote]Lazarus #15
Story by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Cover by Owen Freeman
Publisher Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date Feb 18th, 2015
“CONCLAVE,” Part Five The Conclave concludes, and Malcolm’s plan seems on the verge of success, but one thing still stands in his way: Jakob Hock has demanded a Trial by Combat, and now Forever must fight the Lazarus of Hock’s choosing to the death…[/quote]
[quote]Lazarus #16
Story by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Colors by Santi Arcas
Cover by Owen Freeman
Publisher Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date Apr 22nd, 2015
“MERCY” The Conclave has ended, and the world once more is falling to chaos and violence. Sister Bernard travels between Family Domains, ministering to the Waste…and acting as a spy for the Carlyle Family.[/quote]
[quote]Lazarus #17
Story by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Cover by Owen Freeman
Publisher Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date Jun 17th, 2015
NEW STORY ARC: “POISON,” Part One The Families are at war, Malcolm hovers at death’s door in the wake of Hock’s assassination attempt, and Forever must hold the line against enemies from without as well as within… including her siblings.[/quote]
Toujours très beau ce que produit Lark : son découpage est un modèle de fluidité, c’est très simple et efficace. Par ailleurs, je trouve que l’encrage de la série a retrouvé de la qualité après quelques épisodes un peu plus inégaux : j’avais lu sur sa page FB que Lark cherchait un encreur car ses collaborateurs habituels étaient partis sur d’autres projets, mais cette preview est rassurante.
[quote]Lazarus #19
Story by Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Colors by Santi Arcas
Cover by Owen Freeman
Publisher Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Release Date Sep 2nd, 2015
“POISON,” Part Three.
One bullet makes all the difference.[/quote]
J’ai lu le premier TPB. Plus par curiosité qu’autre chose (je suis pas toujours très fan de Rucka, en fait).
Hé bien j’ai trouvé ça très bon. Bien rythmé, avec des dialogues laconiques mais qui cognent bien, une sacrée ambiance, une vision du futur qui emprunte aux catastrophes environnementales de l’imaginaire seventies et aux délires techno-pharmaceutiques du cyberpunk, bref, un bon mix, et une narration au poil.
Ça envoie plein d’infos, ça ouvre plein de pistes, je lirai la suite avec plus d’enthousiasme et d’impatience.