Taking place after the events of “Merry Little Batman,” Gotham City finds itself reeling from the Joker’s attack, and Damian Wayne (a.k.a. Little Batman) is eager to get back into the fight. That’s going to be harder than it sounds, as Bruce now wants Damian to put the cowl aside and embrace the value of his secret identity. After a suspicious guest is found lurking around the Wayne New Year’s Eve Party, it’s up to Damian to find the balance between both of his personas and save the day yet again. See Little Batman in a new adventure from the film’s screenwriter, Morgan Evans, after catching the rerelease of the breakout movie in theaters this winter.
Written by Morgan Evans
Art by Jon Mikel
Cover by Jon Mikel
Variant Cover by Patrick Ballesteros
$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 11/6/24
DC Comics’ Little Batman: Month One continues next week with the release of issue #2, and you can get a sneak peek below with the official preview…
Since Bruce Wayne just had to go and get himself kidnapped by Scarecrow, Little Batman (a.k.a. Damian Wayne) finally has a real case to solve. But to crack the clues and save his dad, he’ll first have to defeat every kid’s worst nightmare: a babysitter. With fear toxin now back in Gotham, everyone’s getting a little scared… even Bruce Wayne, who fears that Little Batman might be falling right into Scarecrow’s trap.