NAPALM LULLABY #1-9 (Rick Remender / Bengal)

Death or Glory co-creators Rick Remender and Bengal are reuniting next spring for a new ongoing series from Remender’s Giant Generator line at Image Comics. Entitled Napalm Lullaby, the dystopian epic will explore cults, religious extremism, and the struggle for power.

Napalm Lullaby #1 introduces an incredibly powerful child who is discovered and raised by a cult who make him believe he’s God. The cult is built upon hatred and populated by zealots who believe their religion is the purest of all, therefore making it the absolute moral authority. Ruled by the Magnificent Leader, the cult imposes its rule across the entire world. Anyone who doesn’t join and become a zealot themselves is cast out, forced to live in highly toxic, crowded areas where resources are scarce.

The story begins 50 years after the cult subjugates Earth. Two of the messiah’s powerful bastard children become determined to escape their lowly living conditions and infiltrate the Magnificent Leader’s fortress. Their intention? To murder the man who’s made their lives and their family’s lives absolute hell.

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Arriving: April 10, 2024
Lunar Code: 0224IM295


Cover price: $3.99

The right thing to do is never the easy thing, and convincing others to help you is even harder. An empath and a dream spinner have 24 hours to break into the forbidden temple dome city of the Magnificent Leader to rescue the only person who can save the world and kill the god who is hell-bent on destroying it.





Series: Napalm Lullaby

Arriving: May 15, 2024
Lunar Code: 0324IM260
Age Rating: T+


Cover price: $3.99

Having made their way inside the hallowed domed city during the arrival ceremony of the Glorious Leader, Sarah and Sam discover that some gods are not what they seem, and that everyone has a plan until the Janitor bears witness.



Series: Napalm Lullaby

Arriving: June 12, 2024
Lunar Code: 0424IM310
Age Rating: T+


Cover price: $3.99

More secrets of the sanctified city are revealed as our family of antiheroes ventures deeper into the dome in search of the Glorious Leader while trying to outrun the Sin Police, only to encounter the unimaginable power of the Janitor’s wrath.



Series: Napalm Lullaby

Arriving: July 17, 2024
Lunar Code: 0524IM328
Age Rating: T+


Cover price: $3.99

After a near capture by the Sin Police in the Dome City, Sarah and Sam learn more about their twisted family tree from an unexpected stranger with a dark motive of her own.



Series: Napalm Lullaby

Arriving: August 14, 2024
Lunar Code: 0624IM322
Age Rating: T+


Cover price: $3.99

Sarah and Sam’s escape from the Dome City with their volatile cargo is cut off by an epic battle against The Janitor, unleashing the darkest hell imaginable upon the world in this pulse-pounding finale of the first chapter!




Napalm Lullaby #7

Series: Napalm Lullaby

Arriving: November 13, 2024
Lunar Code: 0924IM382
Age Rating: T+


Cover price: $3.99

Dreams and reality converge to manifest the desires of one, desires that will be inflicted upon us all. Is it possible to shape a world that works for everyone?

Napalm Lullaby #8

Series: Napalm Lullaby

Arriving: December 26, 2024
Lunar Code: 1024IM390
Age Rating: T+


Cover price: $3.99

Can Agents of Truth bring reality to Sam’s ever-changing Jacob’s-Ladder life of auto-renewing fantasy before the manufactured memories and twisted deja vu come together and break him apart?

Napalm Lullaby #9

Series: Napalm Lullaby

Arriving: February 5, 2025
Lunar Code: 1124IM347
Age Rating: T+


Cover price: $3.99

All too often those we love most turn on us. Sometimes, whether we’re paying attention or not, we turn on them. Everyone justifies their own self-interests, but in the case of Sam and Sarah, it carries repercussions for us all.