J’étais déjà triste pour ce pauvre Stan, mais j’ignorais totalement cette anecdote et je trouve ça encore plus triste pour lui. Le coup de foudre au premier coup d’oeil, c’est tellement rare.

C’est beau quand même !

Depuis plusieurs mois, la vie n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille pour Stan Lee…et il se passe des choses aussi tristes que pas très nettes autour du co-créateur de l’univers Marvel âgé de 95 ans.

Voici un article qui résume la situation :

C’est assez « goutu » (pour rester poli) que CB se fende d’un édito sur ça alors qu’ils n’ont pas hésité à relayer l’article pourri du Daily Mail quand à des accusations de harcèlement sans se poser la question de la décence qu’ils mettent ici en avant.

Argh, mon PC de taff bloque le lien. J’attendrai vendredi soir …

C’est pas faux…mais comme j’ai pensé qu’il fallait faire le point sur la difficile situation de Stan Lee, ce qui n’avait pas été fait ici (et que je n’avais pas le temps de résumer tout ça), j’ai quand même choisi leur article…

Pour le décès de Stan Lee, on trouve un papier de BFMTV dans lequel le signataire cite mon ouvrage. Triste occasion :


Tu es également cité dans l’article du Monde

Le Monde aussi te cite.

Ah, j’allais mettre le lien : merci les amis !
Oui, ça fait bizarre d’être autant cité dans ces circonstances.


France Info m’a interviewé, pour évoquer la figure de Stan the Man.

Je ne sais pas trop si disponible en podcast, mais c’est écoutable ici :

(c’est dans le 12/14 d’Ersin Leibowitch, à 12h50, dans un segment consacré à Maggy Biskupski et Stan Lee…)

À cette occasion, j’ai proposé d’appeler Stan Lee non pas le « père » de l’univers Marvel (puisque les pères, il y en a plein…), mais plutôt le « parrain », à tous les sens du terme, celui qui s’assoit en bout de table et sans qui il n’y aurait pas de réunion de la famille Marvel telle qu’on la connaît aujourd’hui. Et bien entendu, cette remarque a été coupée, que voulez-vous…


Oui, ils ont préféré terminer sur cette phrase « Le Père de l’Univers Marvel », ça devait mieux sonner pour eux comme point final. Et vu que le sujet dure 5 mn, il y a un énorme raccourci de la part de leur spécialiste ciné concernant l’évolution de Marvel au cinéma…

Le raccourci, de mémoire, il était là quand on a enregistré.
Mais le coup du « parrain », je dis « zut alors » !!!


J’aime bien l’appellation « Barnum » en ce qui le concerne également

À propos de barnum, j’aime beaucoup cette anecdote que Daniel Way a rapporté sur son compte twitter. Il y a eu des tas et des tas d’hommages depuis hier, trop pour que j’en sélectionne quelques uns, mais celui-ci m’a beaucoup plu. Et c’est « tellement Stan Lee » !

I didn’t “know” # StanLee but I did have the good fortune of meeting him and speaking with him briefly maybe…I dunno, 5 times over the years? It always kinda went the same way; a brief introduction and then: 1) Big smile, 2) TREMENDOUS handshake and 3) “How ya doin’, young man?” in that inimitable, stage-volume voice of his. He never failed to impress me and he was an incredible, incredible ambassador for the art form. But what I really want to share with you is the moment when I realized JUST how famous that guy was.

This was…hmm…maybe eight years ago? I was in Manhattan for New York Comic Con and had just left the Marvel offices on W 50th and was walking down to the Javits Center. Well, Stan, having concluded his own meeting or whatever at the Marvel offices, was doing the same thing.

Off we all went, me apart from the group of people around Stan, half a block behind, down 7th Ave…

…to Times Square.

Which, I shit you not, came to a standstill.

I don’t know how it started but within a minute or two, Stan was absolutely engulfed by people. He was standing there, smiling and signing random things that people were poking toward him, the crowd spilling off of the curb and into the street.

Which could’ve meant certain death for those people…except for the fact THE CABS WERE STOPPING, TOO. The drivers were jumping out of their cars, leaving them in the avenue to go get Stan the Man’s autograph.

I know there are some Marvel people who can back this up. I can only hope that one of them can provide a photo. It was AMAZING.

This went on for less than 10 minutes before cops rolled up on the scene. After a quick confab, Stan turned, waved to the crowd…and hopped into a cop car along with a few other people. Lights went on, siren blared and off Stan went to the Javits Center, courtesy of the NYPD.

Now this last part, I was only told about—I didn’t see it myself. But what I was told was, when Stan was delivered to the Javits, there was a bunch of other NYPD officers waiting for him…to get his autograph.

And he signed every one of ’em.

J’ajoute la dernière entrée du blog de Peter David :

Some years ago it became stylish to trash Stan Lee.

I’m not entirely sure why. It might be because they had it right in “The Dark Knight”: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. That might have well been the situation in Stan Lee’s case.

The accusations were that Stan did nothing to promote the legendary artists who created the characters with him. The typical complaint was that Stan was rich while the others were struggling, and that was unfair, and Stan had no business being declared the co-creator of Fantastic Four or Spider-Man or the Mighty Thor or Doctor Strange or the Incredible Hulk. We were increasingly told the characters were the sole creations of the artists and horrible old Stan just stuck his name on them and tried to take all the credit. I’ll never forget when Jack Kirby stated in Comics Journal that he had gotten the idea for the Hulk by watching a news report about a frantic mother who, because she was so upset, had enough strength to lift a car that was pinning her struggling child to the ground. And Jack thought, “What if we did a hero who, when he got really angry, changed into a super strong monster!” Great idea…except in the Hulk’s origin the transition was brought about by the rise of the moon, like a werewolf. Anger had nothing to do with it and wasn’t established until years later. I’m not saying Kirby knowingly lied. I’m just saying memories can be problematic and claiming that all credit should be taken away after the fact based on differing memories is a slippery slope.

This of course also ignored the fact that while DC was still publishing comics with no creator names on the title page, Stan broke from that tradition and slapped the artists’ names right on the credits page. While DC artists labored in anonymity, Stan gave us King Kirby, Stainless Steve Ditko, Jazzy Johnny Romita, Genial Gene Colan. We would have known none of those names if it wasn’t for Stan. DC editors privately dubbed him “Stan Brag” because they thought taking credit wasn’t…I dunno…gentlemanly. At least, they thought that until they started doing it, too.

Yes, he was richer than the artists. But he was also an executive at Marvel, and spent pretty much every day of his waking life promoting the Marvel heroes, the Marvel philosophy, the Marvel artists, and the Marvel brand. He toured colleges all over the country, doing endless Q&As.

Are there still people who despise him? Oh yeah. But I think he thwarted the “Dark Knight” line because his popularity stared to swing back over the years. I believe part of it was his string of cameo appearances in the Marvel movies. Finding Stan transcended finding Hitchcock in his films. People even theorized that he was actually one guy observing the Marvel Universe, and even found affirmation of that when he was filling in the Watchers on all he’d seen in the previous films during a closing credits seen in “Guardians 2.”

Over the years Stan began to reaffirm himself as what he was: the oldest comic book fan alive. How can you keep hating somebody who was clearly just having so much fun? Whose continued presence in the films served to remind you that he was there when it started.

The Village Voice dismissed him as merely a “writer of word balloons.” Yeah, well, compare the word balloons of “Fantastic Four” with Jack Kirby and the word balloons of “New Gods” with Jack Kirby and you’ll realize what a master of dialogue he was. But it’s way more than that. The fact is that the comics industry as it currently exists would not be around if Stan had not only co-created the characters, but made Marvel Comics into what it was:

The House of Ideas.


Purée, en deux heures, France Info, Le Monde et 20 minutes. Bon, visiblement, ça s’est calmé, là, je vais peut-être pouvoir retourner bosser.
Parce que, l’air de rien, répondre aux mêmes questions en mettant en avant les points forts du personnage, ça n’aide pas non plus à s’habituer à la nouvelle…


Tu as pu replacer « le parrain » ou tu t’es dit que ça allait être encore coupé ?

En fait, ça sera par écrit (ouaibe et papier). Donc j’ai placé deux fois. On verra si j’ai réussi à mettre dans les filets.


Bon alors, j’ai utilisé mon ami Gogol Trad et je dois que cette anecdote est excellente. (il est meilleur en anecdote qu’en scénario, Way)