THE INCREDIBLE HULK #1-21 (Phillip Kennedy Johnson / Nic Klein, Danny Earls)

Marvel a dévoilé l’équipe créative de la nouvelle relance de Incredible Hulk : Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Alien, Action Comics) au scénario et Nic Klein (Thor) aux dessins.

Le #1 sortira en juin.

“The work that Al [Ewing], Joe [Bennett], and the rest did with IMMORTAL HULK was so impactful and spoke so clearly to me personally, it was impossible to come up with an idea that wasn’t inspired by it,” Johnson continued. “We’re getting back to Stan Lee’s Frankenstein/Jekyll & Hyde inspirations for the character, and giving readers a proper monster book in the best, truest Hulk tradition. If you loved IMMORTAL HULK, if you love ghost stories, if you love Marvel monsters, if you loved old school ‘adventure of the month’ stories from books like MARVEL TEAM-UP, and if you want the best, most timeless Hulk art you’ve ever seen, you do not want to miss this return of INCREDIBLE HULK.”

Bon, Johnson sait donner un ton épique à ses récits, donc pourquoi pas.
Après, la déclaration d’amour à la prestation d’Ewing est un camouflet et un désaveu envers celle de Cates, entre les lignes.


Cates se fait degager de marvel ?

Ses « soucis de santés », c est de la politesse ?

Il a quelque chose de prévu avec Capullo.

Ou conjugaux (selon plusieurs sources).

Ça marche sa nouvelle serie image ?

Crossover ou Vanish ?

Vanish, oui.

C’est rigolo après son Planet Hulk version superman.

Ca sera beau

Oui, Nicklein !

À voir.

Par contre, j’ai un peu peur qu’on ne sorte pas de l’imagerie inspirée par la série TV, et déjà exploitée par Ewing bien sûr, mais par Jones aussi.

Mais ce sera beau.

Tellement vrai.

(Bon, copié de la saga « Exile » d’Ordway, Stern et consorts…)

(À se demander ce qu’il va copier pour Hulk…)


Et bien immortal ?

Voilà une très bonne nouvelle, je suis assez emporté par ce que je lis sur Action comics, j’ai hâte de voir son Hulk.

« As an enraged Hulk tries to take control of Bruce Banner’s body permanently, a mysterious immortal turns every monster in the Marvel Universe against Banner in an attempt to free their creator, the primordial Mother of Horrors. »

Tyrannus ?

Intothevoid : "Ok i listened to the whole thing and i took notes of the highlights as i was listening, hopefully i didn’t miss anything important

  • Gonna be a big monster family tree, connecting all monsters.
  • Green door will play a part.
  • Finding obscure monsters in Marvel and giving them backstory, lots of worldbuilding.
  • We are gonna see a classic Hulk villain, either a fan favorite or some obscure stuff.
  • Hopes to be on the book for a long time, no plans for Jarella yet.
  • Exploring the American south, gothic side, various creatures will be making themselves known to the Hulk.
  • Introducing a new character that PKJ hopes will have a long lasting effect like Betty, Rick, etc…
  • Hoping that the book will leave a big impact on Hulks history, with potentially spinning out into an event although it can still remain it’s own thing.
  • Not a fan of « baby » speaking Hulk more of a fan of the Planet Hulk style(looks like we are getting Gravage Hulk/Green Scar?), not sure if we will see other personalities.
  • Hulk doesn’t come out when Banner is angry, he is constantly « stalking » Bruce.
  • Hulk comes out at when Bruce has a moments peace, when he makes friends, when he lets his guard down.
  • Being asked about seeing characters like Mangog, Umar, Zom, he said he will « ruminate » on that.
  • There is an important statement he wants to make in Hulk « The person we want to be and the version of us that constantly prevents that », how do you beat someone when the enemy is yourself.
  • Has a big idea about a Hulk vs Superman crossover if Marvel/DC ever allowed it.
    Is cosmic horror a possible direction, yes but not right away.
  • Mother of Horror is tied up in the stories like Demiurge, ancient past mythology of Marvel universe that is wrapped in the origins of Earths specifically, according to that mythology all demons and monsters owe their lineage from Demiurge, all that comes in the play in this book, so you are not gonna see stuff like Fin Fang Foom or Galactus necessarily.
  • Hulk is an opportunity to tell stories that deeply matter, I have a story that i care about very much that i wanna tell with Hulk. Hulk is my love letter to the American south, love letter to American mythology, how to be a better person how to deal with your demons.
  • Big difference between DC and Marvel is DC feels like writing a modern mythology about a pantheon that will outlive us all, Marvel is like writing very personal stories about characters that are blown up to fit the large scale of comics."

Ce serait cool.

Le reste est intriguant, merci beaucoup !

Oh nooooooon ! Mais c’est terrible ! Hulk va être encore plus énervé et il n’y aura plus de Superman ! Soyouz va être content !

Sinon, je n’ai pas tout compris, mais une grande partie est chouette s’il tient sa promesse. Il va reprendre l’idée de la porte verte et le Hulk ne sera pas un idiot. Par contre j’ai pas trop compris la relation entre Banner et Hulk à propos de se fâcher : ça dit qu’il y a une paix entre ces deux alter ego ? Que l’un ou l’autre pourrait apparaître quand ils veulent ou quand il faut, il n’y aurait donc plus qui déclenchera les transformations, ce serait par leur volonté ?

Un rematch.

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