THE POWER FANTASY #1-6 (Kieron Gillen / Caspar Wijngaard)

SEATTLE 03/04/2024 — The bestselling, award winning writer Kieron Gillen (The Wicked + The Divine, Die ) and creative powerhouse artist Caspar Wijngaard (Home Sick Pilots, All Against All ) took Emerald City Comic Con by storm on Friday when Gillen shared news of their upcoming The Power Fantasy series at his Spotlight panel to a standing room only audience. Gillen and Wijngaard were guests of the show and further entertained a queue of enthusiastic fans eager for for more details on this forthcoming series with Image Comics slated for August.

The Power Fantasy concept is laid out in a two-page comic advert released at the book’s announcement. It’s a world where “Superpowered” has a specific meaning. It’s reserved solely for those with the destructive potential of the nuclear arsenal of the most powerful nations on Earth. There are presently six superpowered beings, and the future of the planet is reliant on them never, ever coming into conflict.

The Power Fantasy emerged in a similar way to The Wicked + The Divine ,” said Gillen in an exclusive scoop with The Hollywood Reporter. “I was doing a book at Marvel, and became aware of exactly the sort of things I could do with the reins taken off. As The Wicked + the Divine was to Young Avengers , this is to Immortal X-men . It’s a comic informed by superheroes, but one where a fight is the absolute lose state, for everyone. It’s set from 1945-1999, and so is a chance to really have fun with an alternate cultural history too. I think you can see it as an extension of my best work: WicDivian alternate-pop culture, a cold-war take on Uber’s realpolitik, Die ’s social group drama hyper-charged by genre…”

Wijngaard added: “Once Kieron had pitched the basic outline for The Power Fantasy I knew this was the story I felt comfortable most telling. We’ve been able to create some incredible characters, each with their own vibrant personalities and worlds in which they inhabit. If you are a fan of my most recent image titles Home Sick Pilots and All Against All , you’ll see a lot of its DNA here. I’m truly putting everything I’ve learned into this series, and The Power Fantasy is a large and beautiful canvas for me to operate on.”

With an approach that sits between The Boys and Watchmen and a music video aesthetic, The Power Fantasy #1 will be available at comic book shops in August.

The Power Fantasy #1 will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.

Belle accroche.

1 « J'aime »

Oui, je suis d’accord, ma curiosité est piquée.

1 « J'aime »


1 « J'aime »

J’aime les visuels !

1 « J'aime »



Arriving: August 7, 2024
Lunar Code: 0624IM233


Cover price: $3.99

“Superpowered.” You have certain preconceptions. They’re incorrect. Here, that word has a specific technical definition. Namely, “any individual with the destructive capacity of the nuclear arsenal of the USA.”
There are six such people on Earth. The planet’s survival relies on them never coming into conflict.
Come dance to the ticking of the doomsday clock with KIERON GILLEN (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, DIE) and CASPAR WIJNGAARD (HOME SICK PILOTS, ALL AGAINST ALL).
The eternal fight against fighting starts now.

1 « J'aime »



Arriving: August 7, 2024
Lunar Code: 0624IM233


Cover price: $3.99

“Superpowered.” You have certain preconceptions. They’re incorrect. Here, that word has a specific technical definition. Namely, “any individual with the destructive capacity of the nuclear arsenal of the USA.”
There are six such people on Earth. The planet’s survival relies on them never coming into conflict.
Come dance to the ticking of the doomsday clock with KIERON GILLEN (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, DIE) and CASPAR WIJNGAARD (HOME SICK PILOTS, ALL AGAINST ALL).
The eternal fight against fighting starts now.



HEY! Little look at issue 3 of THE POWER FANTASY now solicits are out. The story spans 50 yrs so I’m being inspired by a lot of art from each decade. This entire sequence takes inspiration from the late Walt Peregoy. If you want to learn more about these 2 pick up issue 1 Aug 7th

— Caspar Wijngaard (@Casparnova) July 24, 2024

Premier numéro, première régalade de la semaine.
J’adore l’approche même si ça peut paraitre un peu bavard au premier abord.
Mais c’est un numéro qui pose les bases et qu’il faudra certainement relire par la suite. Je suis accroché.


The Power Fantasy #2

Arriving: September 11, 2024
Lunar Code: 0724IM376


Cover price: $3.99

There are six people who can save the world. They save the world every day they don’t use their powers. Yesterday, one used their gift. The world is still here. Have we been lucky, or has the fuse to end us all been lit?




The Power Fantasy #3

Arriving: October 16, 2024
Lunar Code: 0824IM405


Cover price: $3.99

On July 16, 1945 the world changed forever. Santa Valentina was born. There was also the Trinity test, but that’s not as important.
As the world hangs in the balance, we explore the life and times of the girl who fell…skipped…to Earth.
Also: check out that cow!



Lu le 2. Toujours aussi épatant.

En en discutant avec un pote, je suis parvenu à mettre des mots sur ces belles sensations de lecture que j’ai eu avec ces deux numéros.
En fait, j’ai pensé au Watchmen de Moore. Pour l’approche, pour le discours, la manière dont des personnages avec des pouvoirs s’intègrent et gèrent leurs influences. Pour le discours politiques, social. Pour la gravité.
J’ai eu peur au début d’avoir affaire à un titre compliqué. Mais ce n’est pas le cas. C’est un titre complexe.
Les compliqués me tombent des mains. Les complexes m’intriguent.
Il y a un truc avec ce titre que je n’ai pas eu l’occasion de ressentir de plus longtemps.
J’espère que ça va durer…

The Power Fantasy #4

Arriving: November 20, 2024
Lunar Code: 0924IM388


Cover price: $3.99

Masumi’s latest art exhibit opens tonight. Tokyo is petrified. Will any critic dare say what they think and risk unleashing her wrath?
Meanwhile, Etienne discovers the dangers of long-haul flights when you’ve just murdered a world leader.

The Power Fantasy #5

Arriving: December 18, 2024
Lunar Code: 1024IM397


Cover price: $3.99

They call aging punk Jacky Magus a sellout, just because he’s betrayed his principles. Jacky Magus rolls his eyes. Oh, you sweet naive things. He hasn’t even begun to sell out yet.
As the first arc of THE POWER FANTASY ends, we discover exactly what the world’s worth.

Tu sais nous vendre le bouquin !

1 « J'aime »

The Power Fantasy #6

Arriving: February 19, 2025
Lunar Code: 1224IM239


Cover price: $3.99

We’re back, and the doomsday clock is still ticking, tick-ticking. What’s up? Everyone panickedly screams WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??! as Magus and Heavy’s 18-years-in-the-making plans for world-domination are revealed. I’m sure it’ll be okay and everyone won’t die.

Ça devient un poile cryptique. J’espère que ça va rester lisible.