U.S.AGENT #1-5 (Christopher Priest / George Jeanty)

U.S. Agent fera prochainement ses débuts dans le Marvel Cinematic Universe à l’occasion de la série de Disney + The Falcon & The Winter Soldier. Marvel en profite donc pour redonner un nouveau titre à John Walker, une mini-série en 5 épisodes qui sera écrite par Christopher Priest (Deathstroke, Vampirella…) et dessinée par Stefano Landini (Daredevil, Target Vader…).

U.S.Agent #1 sortira en novembre.

« Christopher Priest and Stefano Landini bring back the Super-Soldier you love to hate! American Zealot Chapter 1 of 5: John Walker, the former Super Patriot, has been stripped of his official USAgent status and is now operating as an independent government contractor protecting government covert interests. His latest protection detail draws him into a conflict between a small town and the corporate giant trying to destroy it. John acquires a new partner and new enemy along the way while being haunted by ghosts from his past and confronting challenges to his future. »

Christopher Priest :

« American Zealot’ is a morality play told in five acts. John Walker has been fired. Or he quit. Depends on who’s telling the story. Now finding his way as a civilian government contractor, Walker is making more money and taking more risks as he can now venture into places sanctioned agents can’t always follow. However, with limited official access to intelligence data, the now-former USAgent’s missions can and often do lead him into blind alleys he’ll need to MacGyver himself out of. »

« I was thrilled to be invited back to Captain America until I realized it was this guy, Cap’s scowling, emotionally damaged misfit cousin. Cousin America. But USAGENT presents an exciting writer’s challenge to explore the myriad expressions and aspirations of the American dream, how that dream is fulfilled or not, through the eyes and voices of a nation often at war with itself. John Walker is a man often at war with HIMself, so Marvel knows no better a protagonist for this journey, this stumble, this Parkour carom through the many visions of the greatest nation on Earth. »

j’aime bien US Agent, avec Priest ça peut donner un bon truc.

J’allais le dire, mais en mieux.

Pas mieux.

Ca mérite au moins 50 numéros ça !




C’est rien qu’un plagiat du Brigadier®, d’abord !


George Jeanty (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) remplace Stefano Landini aux dessins de U.S. Agent.

Written by: Christopher Priest.

Art by: Georges Jeanty.

Covers by: Declan Shalvey, Patrick Zircher, Toni Infante.

Description: « American Zealot » Chapter 1 of 5: John Walker, the former Super Patriot, has been stripped of his official USAgent status and is now operating as an independent government contractor protecting government covert interests. His latest protection detail draws him into a conflict between a small town and the corporate giant trying to destroy it. John acquires a new partner and new enemy along the way while being haunted by ghosts from his past and confronting challenges to his future.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: Nov. 4.

J’avoue que je ne suis pas convaincu.
Je sais que Christopher Priest aime beaucoup adopter des narrations troubles, avec des va-et-vients dans le temps, plusieurs thèmes et personnages en même temps. Mais j’admets que, ici, rien ne me passionne.
Ni le thème d’une ville d’Amérique en crise économique qui se « retourne » contre une entreprise qui semblait pouvoir l’aider mais n’en fait rien (et s’avère être une ancienne couverture du SHIELD). Ni le personnage d’US Agent, qui apparaît ici comme un vrai neuneu xénophobe et con. Je sais que le personnage a toujours été spécial, mais là… là, il est juste con, en fait. Et la sous-intrigue sur sa soeur ne me plaît pas.
George Jeanty livre des planches très correctes, plus que dans ce que j’avais vu de lui jusque-là. Mais l’ensemble ne m’intéresse juste pas.

Je m’arrête là.


Written by: Christopher Priest.

Art by: Georges Jeanty.

Covers by: Marco Checchteto, Dan Panosian, Dave Rapoza.

Description: « American Zealot » Chapter 2 of 5. The former USAgent’s routine mission becomes complicated by revelations from his past while an enigmatic new threat moves to intercept him.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: Dec. 23.


Written by: Christopher Priest.

Art by: Georges Jeanty.

Covers by: Marco Checchteto, Well-Bee.

Description: Having abandoned his mission to assist the skeleton crew guarding a long-abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in Appalachia, John Walker heads to Washington to confront the politicians who engineered his firing. Meanwhile, the ruthless and enigmatic new U.S.Agent has arrived to take over Walker’s mission and is willing to destroy anything and anyone who gets in his way.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: Feb. 24.

Du coup, sur la couv’, ça fait « I am just ice », « Je suis seulement de la glace » ! ~___^



Written by: Christopher Priest.

Art by: Georges Jeanty.

Covers by: Marco Checchteto, Joe Bennett.

Description: Conflicting visions of America intersect in a small mining town where long-buried S.H.I.E.L.D. secrets are unearthed, forcing a confrontation between John Walker and his own sister, who has commandeered powerful weaponry she is poised to unleash on the townsfolk Walker has sworn to protect.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: March 31.

La serie est sympathique
Rien de grandiose mais sympa

Rien de nouveau quoi. Il est comme ça depuis sa création.

J’ai sûrement un point de vue biaisé, car je l’ai connu par Force Works et je n’avais pas cette impression.

Oui, le seul moment où il a été tenté de l heroiser. Enfin, après il y en a eu peut-être d autre, mais en effet le côté réac et pas futé fait à la base parti du perso

Ultimate cap est un us agent en plus intelligent et bien plus sympathique