Marvel annonce une nouvelle série West Coast Avengers, où Iron Man et War Machine (comme vu à la fin de The Invincible Iron Man #20) forment une nouvelle équipe avec Spider-Woman et Firestar. L’objectif est d’intégrer des super-vilains qui veulent s’amender, le premier étant… Ultron.
Par Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim et une couverture de Ben Harvey.
Sortie le 27 novembre 2024.
Crazyspideyfan : « If any of you have read Avengers Inc., the Ultron on this team is most likely the good Ultron/Vic Shade/Ultron 12 from that book, he is not the main Ultron, he has his own personality and has always been a morally good Ultron. I wonder if Tony will be wearing his new steampunk armor in his title, the Mysterium armor in Avengers, and the Silver Centurion in West Coast. Really excited for this I was hoping it would become a series. The concept of Ultron 12 is actually picking up on plot points from the original West Coast Avengers run so it makes a lot of sense. »
Marvel Comics releases West Coast Avengers #1 on Wednesday, and you can get yourself a sneak peek at the issue below with the official preview…
ULTRON RETURNS… REDEEMED? Iron Man and War Machine have put together a new team of Avengers – one that includes villains seeking a path to redemption. Their case study? Ultron — who, against all odds, seems to be walking the straight and narrow… for now. But does the success of one guarantee the success of all? Spider-Woman and Firestar have their doubts. And can any amount of heroics really absolve Ultron of his past?
West Coast Avengers : la première série que j’ai faite en VO il y a … oh un peu moins de 40 ans.
Pour autant, je pense que je vais sagement attendre une publication VF ce coup-ci.
Probablement pas en 100% (je pense pas que Panini prenne le risque) mais peut-être dans les pages de MARVEL COMICS (dont seuls 6 « slots » sur les 8 que compte la revue sont régulièrement occupés).
En espérant retrouver le Duggan d’Iron Man plutôt que celui d’X-Men.