Concept-art :
20 mai 2015
Brad Bird (Le Géant de Fer, Les Indestructibles…)
Brad Bird, Jeff Jensen et Damon Lindelof
George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Judy Greer, Hugh Laurie, Tim McGraw…
Long métrage américain
Genre : science-fiction
Titre original : Tomorrowland
Année de production : 2014
Liés par un sort commun, une jeune femme brillante et optimiste douée d’une grande curiosité scientifique, et un homme qui fut autrefois un jeune inventeur de génie avant de perdre ses illusions, s’embarquent pour une périlleuse mission. Ils veulent découvrir les secrets d’un lieu mystérieux situé quelque part dans le temps et l’espace, et qui semble n’exister que dans leur mémoire commune. Cet endroit s’appelle Tomorrowland…[/quote]
Les premiers visuels :
[quote=« Damon Lindelof »]What Hogwarts is to magic, Tomorrowland is to science: They are both easy to find if you are a wizard and very difficult to find if you’re a Muggle. Walt Disney is not a character in our movie, but he is referenced as having some involvement in this mysterious place called Tomorrowland, as a huge futurist and aficionado of space travel, rocketry, cities of the future, and space travel.”
[quote=« Damon Lindelof »]“Another big influence for Jeff Jensen and I when we first started talking about this story was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Somehow it was able to do what no modern movies are able to do, which is tell a story that doesn’t have a bad guy who is trying to blow up the planet, or giant robots fighting, or lots of karate — though who doesn’t love karate? It was so not plot driven. It was just a pure discovery movie. It was pure what-if. Just that idea of what’s going on here? What does this mean? That was a real jumping off place for a movie like this.”
À propos de l’inventeur joué par George Clooney :
[quote=« Brad Bird »]“He’s at this farmhouse, and it’s probably the house he’s grown up in. He hasn’t done anything to it. He’s done tech stuff inside it, but it’s not a super cool bachelor pad. It’s more like a guy who is retreating when something didn’t go well.”