Une série de livres relatant l’histoire des comics Books au travers des decennies.
Sont sortis:
The 1950’s, 1960-1964, 1965-1969, The 1970’s et The 1980’s.
Le bouquin est divisé par années avec une table chronologique de chaque année et un découpage par editeur, une introduction générale et une conclusion générale.
J’aime beaucoup ces livres qui permettent de mieux saisir pas mal de choses et remettent un peu les pendules à l’heure (DC ne devient N°1 qu’avec la division Dell/Gold Key et ne le gardera finalement pas longtemps avant que Marvel dans les 70’s ne passe devant par exemple).
Bref je conseille ces livres.
Les 40’s seront en 2 tomes et les 90’s étaient prévus.
twomorrows.com/index.php?main_pa … Path=95_94

288-page FULL-COLOR Hardcover - by Keith Dallas and Jason Sacks
The American Comic Book Chronicles continues its ambitious series of FULL-COLOR HARDCOVERS, where TwoMorrows’ top authors document every decade of comic book history from the 1940s to today! Jason Sacks and Keith Dallas coordinate this volume, covering all the pivotal moments and behind-the-scenes details of the Bill Clinton years! The 1990s was the decade when Marvel Comics sold 8.1 million copies of an issue of the X-Men, saw its superstar creators form their own company, cloned Spider-Man, and went bankrupt. It was when Superman died, Batman had his back broken, and the runaway success of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman led to DC Comics’ Vertigo line of adult comic books. It was the decade of gimmicky covers, skimpy costumes, and mega-crossovers. But most of all, the 1990s was the decade when companies like Image, Valiant and Malibu published million-selling comic books before the industry experienced a shocking and rapid collapse! These are just a few of the events chronicled in this exhaustive, full-color hardcover. Taken together, American Comic Book Chronicles forms a cohesive, linear overview of the entire landscape of comics history, sure to be an invaluable resource for ANY comic book enthusiast!

288-page FULL-COLOR Hardcover - by Kurt F. Mitchell with Roy Thomas
The American Comic Book Chronicles continues its ambitious series of FULL-COLOR HARDCOVERS, where TwoMorrows’ top authors document every decade of comic book history from the 1940s to today! Kurt Mitchell and editor Roy Thomas composed this volume about the “Golden Age” of the comic book industry, a period that presented the earliest adventures of such iconic super-heroes as Batman, Captain Marvel, Superman, and Wonder Woman. It was a time when America’s entry into World War II was presaged by the arrival of such patriotic do-gooders as Will Eisner’s Uncle Sam, Harry Shorten and Irv Novick’s The Shield, and Joe Simon and Jack Kirby’s Captain America. It was when teenage culture found expression in a fumbling red-haired high school student named Archie Andrews. But most of all, the first five years of the 1940s was the age of the “packagers” when studios headed by men like Harry A Chesler, Will Eisner, and Jerry Iger churned out material for a plethora of new comic book companies that published the entire gamut of genres, from funny animal stories to crime tales to jungle sagas to science-fiction adventures. These are just a few of the events chronicled in this exhaustive, full-color hardcover. Taken together, American Comic Book Chronicles forms a cohesive, linear overview of the entire landscape of comics history, sure to be an invaluable resource for ANY comic book enthusiast!
ISBN-13: 978-1-60549-089-2
Diamond Comic Distributors Order Code: FEB192024
sort cet été
Twomorrows propose une réédition augmentée de son ACBC 80’s…
J ai l original qui comme toute cette collection est superbe.
New editions of sold-out volumes of the American Comic Book Chronicles series—an essential resource for comic book history.