A heroic pack of canines known as the Wise Dogs set off on a mission to clean up a Pennsylvania corridor plagued by seemingly unrelated occult disturbances that include a fire salamander and a horde of mutant lurkers. A link is found among the various disturbances, leading our heroes to a mountain village inhabited by a survivalist witch-cult who have discovered the existence of a ”Blood Lure” attracting occult forces, creatures, and many more terrors to Burden Hill!
The eight-time Eisner-winning series is back!
Variant Cover by Rafael Albuquerque!
Writer: Evan Dorkin
Artist, Cover Artist: Benjamin Dewey
Publication Date: August 22, 2018
The Wise Dogs encounter a survivor of the Cotter Farm massacre who agrees to lead them to the witch-cult’s camp high in the mountains, which can only be reached by a treacherous path leading through a series of insidious traps and a host of deadly creatures.
After being captured by the survivalist cult, the Wise Dogs must find a way to free themselves and prevent an ancient evil entity from being unleashed on humanity.
« . . . horror buffs and animal lovers alike will find a lot to like about [Beast of Burden’s] tightly-scripted storylines, beautiful illustrations, and appealing characters. » – Publisher’s Weekly