Written by: Matthew Rosenberg
Art by: Moritat
Cover by: Guillem March
Black Canary barely escaped the army of martial artists who abducted her to a mysterious battleground! Unfortunately, they’ve followed her right back to Gotham City…but Batgirl owes her a favor or two!
U.S. Price: 2.99
On Sale Date: Mar 16 2016[/quote]
[quote] Black Canary #10
Written by Brenden Fletcher, art by Moritat & Sandy Jarrell, cover by Annie Wu.
Dinah dives deeper into the past of the mysterious white ninja – along a trail that takes her deep into the heart of Europe, and face-to-face with a bizarre new enemy!
32 pages, $2.99.[/quote]
[quote]Black Canary #11
Written by Brenden Fletcher, art by Sandy Jarrell, cover by Annie Wu.
The true scope of what Dinah’s up against stands revealed – and it’s an infernal evil that’s out of this world! What did this sinister presence do to Dinah’s missing mother…and what horrible bargain has the mysterious white ninja made with it?
32 pages, $2.99, in stores on April 20.[/quote]
Written by: Brenden Fletcher
Art by: Annie Wu
Cover by: Annie Wu
U.S. Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: June 8, 2016
Black Canary’s European tour comes to an end as Dinah and her crew bring the fight to the sinister cult that’s taken control of her mother’s legacy! But there’s one more secret about her past that Dinah has yet to learn…[/quote]
La période New52 de mémoire ou l’initiative éditoriale d’après dans ce même esprit. Elle était rock’n Roll, cette série. Dinah recherche également sa mère tout en réalisant un road trip digne d’une Rock Star.
J’aimais bien le Batgirl de cette époque par ce même Fletcher (avec Cameron Stewart de mémoire en co-scénariste) avec Babs Tarr. Dinah y apparaissait dans un semblant de Birds of Prey.
Le spin-off est sorti sous la forme d’une série de 12 épisodes un peu WTF sur la longueur. Ce n’était pas totalement réussi mais j’en garde un bon souvenir car j’adore le personnage de Dinah.
Et la sortie de la mini par Tom King et Ryan Sook me ravit!