En début d’année, Marvel annonçait avoir récupéré les droits de Conan le Barbare, le héros créé par Robert E. Howard en 1932, qui étaient détenus par Dark Horse Comics depuis 2003.
Et on connait maintenant l’équipe créative qui s’occupera de la nouvelle série Conan the Barbarian : Jason Aaron (Star Wars, Thor, Avengers…) au scénario, Mahmud Asrar (All-New All-Different Avengers, Supergirl…) aux dessins et Esad Ribic aux couvertures.
Conan the Barbarian #1 sortira en janvier 2019.
Jason Aaron : « I’ve literally been preparing for this job since I was 13 and discovered my first Robert E. Howard Conan paperback in a used bookstore in my little hometown of Jasper, Alabama. I devoured every Howard book I could find after that, and I’ve been making up Conan stories in my head ever since. Now I finally get to do that for real, alongside the amazing Mahmud Asrar. So this opportunity means an awful lot to me, and I’m cherishing every blood-splattered, spider-haunted second of it. »
Mahmud Asrar : « Growing up, Conan was one of the first comic books I’ve read. It’s partly responsible in making me a lifelong comic book reader. In fact, it’s the first book where I’ve noticed the names of the creators and that being a comic book artist was something I could do for a living. Now, years later, I get the chance to draw the book myself and do it with the amazing Jason Aaron. I couldn’t be happier to tell epic new tales of the Cimmerian - to continue the legacy that will hopefully make a mark on readers, just like the original comics did for me. »
D’après le site Bleeding Cool, Marvel publiera 3 comics Conan en 2019. En plus de Conan the Barbarian, il y aura Savage Sword of Conan et Age of Conan, dont les équipes créatives n’ont pas encore été annoncées.