Titan Comics y va par ordre décroissant ! Le prochain Docteur à bénéficier d’une mini-série après le neuvième sera le… Huitième Docteur !
La série a été confiée à George Mann, un fin connaisseur de l’histoire du Seigneur du Temps qui a déjà écrit deux romans (Paradox Lost, Engines of War) sur le personnage; et la dessinatrice Emma Vieceli.
Le huitième Docteur est un cas spécial dans la mythologie de Doctor Who. Il fut interprété par Paul McGann dans le téléfilm de 1996 qui aurait dû relancer la série sur le Seigneur du Temps, la première initiative depuis l’arrêt du show en 1989. Malheureusement (ou heureusement, considérant l’avenir de la série - Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey), le film fut un échec retentissant, marquant de son emprunte l’acteur: l’homme qui ne joua le Docteur qu’une seule et unique fois.
A part quelques aventures audio, l’histoire aurait pu en rester là si Steven Moffat n’avait pas eu la judicieuse idée de faire appel à McGann pour lancer The Day of the Doctor, épisode fêtant le 50ème anniversaire du Docteur. Dans un court prologue, on le voyait (enfin) se régénérer en sa future incarnation, le bien nommé Docteur de la guerre, après avoir officialisé ses aventures radiophoniques en citant les noms de ses nombreux compagnons.
C’est également l’un des Docteurs qui a connu le plus d’aventures en comics dans le Dr Who Magazine, entre 1996 et 2005. C’est d’ailleurs lui qui a inauguré le passage du strip du Docteur du N&B à la couleur…
(W) George Mann (A) Emma Vieceli (CA) Rachael Stott, Ivan Nunes
The eighth Doctor and Josie Day start a universe-wide investigation! First stop — Lumin’s World, home to a raging war between the near-extinct Calexi and the crystalline Spherions! When Josie is wounded in the crossfire, it’s up to the Doctor to strike a peace — and find a cure — before she dies! (STK686538)
STOTT REGULAR COVER—32pgs, FC (2 of 5) $3.99
PHOTO SUBSCRIPTION COVER—32pgs, FC $3.99[/quote]
(W) George Mann (A) Emma Vieceli (CA) Carolyn Edwards
1932. Briarwood House. As a jazz party preoccupies the English upper-crust, the Doctor and Josie discover a terrifying secret below stairs – the servants are beginning to sprout branches! When the forests of Briarwood besiege the house, the Doctor must uncover an ancient ritual and the truth behind an interdimensional sacrifice![/quote]
STORY BYGeroge Mann
ART BYEmma Vieceli
COVER BYAlice X Zhang, Warren Pleece, Simon Meyers, Mariano Lclaustra , Matthew Dow Smith
PUBLISHER Titan Comics
RELEASE DATE Nov 4th, 2015
Get ready for an all-new season of comics adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor, as played by Paul McGann in the Doctor Who movie, fan-favorite minisode Night of the Doctor… and over fourteen years (and counting!) of astounding Big Finish audio spectaculars!
Five amazing, interconnected new stories take the Doctor on a rollercoaster of threat and misadventure, as he investigates the mysteries surrounding his new companion Josie. Victorian magic shows, murderous trees, lost books, crystalline life-forms, barges in space crammed with the undead… and the grand journey all begins in a sleepy Welsh town… besieged by living paintings!
Buckle up for a wild ride that embraces all the Gothic Romance and interstellar terror of the Doctor’s eighth incarnation![/quote]
Story by
George Mann
Art by
Emma Vieceli
Colors by
Letters by
Cover by
Rachael Stott, Hi-Fi, Will Brooks
Titan Comics
Cover Price:
Release Date
Jan 6th, 2016
Edinburgh, 1850. The Doctor and Josie Day visit a mysterious magic show, one which is replacing audience members with ‹ Silvered › duplicates, mirror dimension reflections who jealously watch their real-world counterparts! With the deadly doppelgangers causing chaos, can the Doctor and Josie escape the magician’s grasp and avoid being Silvered themselves?[/quote]
Posted: 5 hours ago
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #4 Enlarge
Story by
George Mann
Art by
Emma Vieceli
Cover by
Rachael Stott, Hi-Fi, Will Brooks, Carolyn Edwards
Titan Books
Cover Price:
Release Date
Feb 17th, 2016
Briarwood House. As a jazz party preoccupies the English upper-crust, the Doctor and Josie discover a terrifying secret below stairs - the servants are beginning to sprout branches! When the forests of Briarwood besiege the house, the Doctor must uncover an ancient ritual and the truth behind an interdimensional sacrifice![/quote]
Story by
George Mann
Art by
Emma Vieceli
Cover by
Rachel Stott, Carolyn Edwards
Titan Comics
Cover Price:
Release Date
Mar 16th, 2016
It’s the final stop on the Eighth Doctor’s enigmatic to-do list: a Bakri Resurrection Barge, where the super-rich are ‹ remade › into luxurious artificial bodies after corporeal death. But the resurrectees are dying… their bodies rebelling against their implanted minds! And what is the shocking truth Josie has been hiding from the Doctor?[/quote]