GHOSTBOX #1-4 (Mike Carey / Pablo Raimondi)

Ghostbox #2
Writer Mike Carey
Artist Pablo Ramondi

Still reeling from the tragic events of last issue, Chloe is arrested on suspicion of murder.
In a jail cell she’s a sitting duck if the Estival come back for another pass at her.
Meanwhile the ghostbox is taken into evidence – and Jan is taken into the ghostbox,
to meet its strange residents and learn her own fate.

via Comixology Originals

1 « J'aime »

Ghostbox #3
Written by Mike Carey
Art by Pablo Raimondi

Where Chloe runs, the Estival follow. Gerwais has a plan that might shake them off
but it will only work if she can get to a place of worship, with half the Cornish police force
on her tail. Meanwhile in the ghostbox Jan finds new information and new dangers.

1 « J'aime »

Comixology Originals sent us a preview of Ghostbox #4 by Mike Cary and Pablo Raimondi ahead of next week’s release. NOTE: Some nudity after the jump.

Ghostbox #4
Written by Mike Cary
Art by Pablo Raimondi

When Chloe gets a chance to be reunited with her dead sister she grabs it with both hands – and falls into Sabine de Thibhert’s insidious trap. Sabine intends to buy her freedom from the ghostbox with the Estival’s help – and with the ghostbox itself as the price. But there’s one wild card still in play, because the box has a new inhabitant.