LES CROODS (Kirk De Micco & Chris Sanders)


22 mars 2013 (USA)
10 avril 2013 (France)


Kirk de Micco (Les Chimpanzés de l’Espace) & Chris Sanders (Lilo & Stitch, Dragons)


Ryan Reynolds, Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Catherien Keener, Clark Duke, Cloris Leachman…


Long métrage américain
Genre : Animation/Comédie/Aventures
Titre original : The Croods
Année de production : 2012


Les Croods est l’histoire de la première famille moderne du monde. Elle se déroule à une époque jusqu’à présent inconnue, l’ère Croodéolithique – lorsque Mère Nature en était aux premières étapes de ses expériences, dont le résultat était une flore et une faune incroyablement bizarres. C’est dans ce monde à la fois comique et dangereux que la famille Crood doit s’aventurer pour trouver une nouvelle maison, leur cave ayant été détruite. Comme si la loi du plus fort n’était pas un problème suffisant, le père, Grug, tombe rapidement sur quelqu’un de beaucoup plus fort que lui – un jeune nomade plein d’imagination, Guy, qui en pince pour Eep, la fille de Grug. Les Croods sont contraints d’évoluer, de conquérir leur peur du monde extérieur et de découvrir que la seule chose vraiment nécessaire pour survivre, c’est de pouvoir compter les uns sur les autres.

La présentation des Croods par les réalisateurs/scénaristes :

[quote]Thunk (voiced Duke, Hot Tub Time Machine): DeMicco describes the middle-child as “6-foot-9, 320 pounds, and 9 years old. He’s so big and so wants to be like his sister and his dad. He has the best heart and the worst coordination.” Sanders comments on his intellect, saying, “I don’t think Thunk will ever catch up. We love him.”

Gran (Leachman): The main antagonist for Cage’s character, Grug, the father of the family. “She’s like this ferocious, almost crocodile-type woman,” DeMicco said. “We always say: ‘She’s older than dirt — some say she’s 45. She has lived a very long life in a short amount of time.”

Sandy the baby: Sanders refers to her as a “half Tasmanian devil and half child.” Oscar-winning sound designer Randy Thom is building her growing voice from a compilation of creature noises. “She’s still ferocious, still bites, and it’s kind of the way that Grug wants his kids to be. She’s a survivor. She might be the one to make it better than any of them.”

Ugga (Keener): “She’s probably more open-minded than Grug when it comes to change, but she’s very much his partner in this thing,” Sanders says. “For a mom, she has the world’s hardest job. Keeping this family alive is not easy. Just getting lunch is a life and death situation. This is the universal thing — dads, moms all want to keep their family safe. ‘How much freedom do I let them have? … I wish I could keep them in sight all the time, because then everything will be okay.”

Eep (Stone): “Of all The Croods, she was the one who liked the cave they lived in the least,” Sanders says. “The Croods spent much of their time in the dark, and that was Grug’s way of keeping his family safe. When their cave falls down and they’re forced to go on this journey, everyone is a little freaked out — but not Eep. For The Croods, anything new is super scary. New is bad. On this journey, every single thing they come across is going to be new. For Grug, it’s a nightmare. For Eep, it’s the greatest thing that ever happened to her.”

Grug (Cage): The filmmakers refer to Grug as a well-meaning but fumbling sitcom dad. “Everyone deals with change in their family, and who deals with change more than a father with kids growing up?” says DeMicco. “Nic Cage has done a great job of making him likeable, while at the same time overprotective, which is not an easy thing to do.”[/quote]

[quote]And finally, here’s our dashing protagonist, Guy (Reynolds):

“Guy is human being 2.0; he’s not as a strong as the Croods but he’s more about using his brain,” Sanders says. “When they discover he can make fire, they kidnap him, stick him in a hollow log, and keep him.”

“Like a human lighter,” DeMicco adds.

Guy and Eep form a romantic pairing which, as Sanders says, “ is really Grug’s nightmare. Guy is full of ideas. Croods don’t really have ideas.” Guy apparently wins Eep over by introducing her to life outside of a dark cave and that evolutionary weak point of women: shoes.[/quote]

La bande-annonce :

Sur un concept pas vraiment novateur, Dreamworks nous livre un animé d’assez bonne facture, avec son lot d’action et de bons sentiments. Se rapprochant beaucoup de l’Age de Glace, on nous délivre ici un monde étrange peuplé d’animaux bizarres (un peu comme dans Avatar), n’ayant rien à voir avec ce que l’on connait de l’ère préhistorique, ce qui contribue à l’humour du film et de mises en situations cocasses. C’est donc très coloré, ce qui ravira les plus jeunes.
Pas de réelle surprise, mais un bon moment tout de même, je m’attendais à pire vu le concept.

Par contre, les concepteurs, ils sont de sérieux soucis avec leurs filles pour mettre systématiquement en avant la surprotection du père ou quoi? Croods, L’Age de Glace 4, Hotel Transylvania, etc.