LUKE CAGE #166-170 (David F. Walker / Blake, Sanna)

Cet automne, Marvel Comics donnera le coup d’envoi d’une nouvelle initiative intitulée MARVEL LEGACY. Marvel annonce un retour aux sources, à l’ancienne numérotation des plus vieux titres de son catalogue, des récits qui seront des points d’entrée idéals…un accent mis sur les personnages iconiques mais sans oublier la nouvelle génération du Marvel NOW.
Bref, « de l’espoir, du plaisir, du fun, du sense of wonder » !

Marvel a dévoilé une salve de 52 (!) titres par le biais de couvertures teasers rendant hommage à une illustration passée. La numérotation et les équipes créatives n’ont pas encore été révélées.

Parmi les séries récentes qui continueront sur leur lancée, il y aura celle de Luke Cage :

La série Luke Cage débutera l’ère LEGACY avec le #166 et un arc intitulé « Caged ».

Dans l’arc narratif Caged, Luke Cage va se retrouver une nouvelle fois en prison. Ce sera notamment l’occasion pour le scénariste David F. Walker d’explorer la personnalité et le passé du personnage qui, avant de se faire appeler Luke Cage, répondait au nom de Carl Lucas.

David F. Walker : Luke Cage is not Luke Cage. Carl Lucas is Luke Cage. And this story is about what it is in Carl Lucas that makes him Luke Cage. Within the Legacy storyline there is an exploration of who Luke Cage is at his core, and by this I don’t mean Luke Cage – I actually mean Carl Lucas. Hardcore fans know that Luke Cage’s real name is Carl Lucas, and that he became Luke Cage after getting super powers and escaping prison. We are exploring what makes Luke Cage who he is, but in order to do that, we really need to get into Carl Lucas. Once he’s gone through the ordeal he will face in Legacy, we will have a better sense of who he is at the core of his being.

What I’m trying to do is take Luke back to the place he was when he was first introduced into the Marvel universe. When we talk about the ‘Classic Marvel’ feeling, I think some people get confused. There was a specific way stories were written in decades past – captions, thought balloons, and things like that. Yes, that’s part of the ‘Classic Marvel,’ but there is something much deeper, and it speaks to the emotional resonance of the characters. Marvel’s characters have always been most interesting because of who they are, more than because of what they do. This particular Luke Cage story is about him and the circumstances he is in, which define him and shape him, and to me that is ‘Classic Marvel.’

Cover by RAHZZAH
CAGED Part 1
Carl Lucas went to jail for a crime he didn’t commit and came out a new man: the hero Luke Cage. Now, Luke finds himself on the wrong side of the law and thrown back in prison again. What dark power has caged Luke once more and when the entire world is threatened, how can Luke Cage save everyone from the inside of a jail cell?

Source :

Bah voilà ! Bon, bah, ils ont fait des choix, comme pour Cable & Deadpool (et àça n’a rien à voir avec l’ordre dans le titre de la série)


Luke Cage (2017-) #166

LUKE CAGE: CAGED! Prison broke Carl Lucas, but he was rebuilt as a new man: the hero Luke Cage. Now, Luke is about to be tested as never before in the crucible that made him. In a nowhere town, Luke finds himself on the wrong side of the law. It’s a nightmare on the surface, and there’s more darkness underneath: a power that could threaten the entire world.

Written by
David F. Walker
Art by
Guillermo Sanna
Cover by
About Book
Page Count
26 Pages
Print Release Date
October 18 2017




Source :


Written by: David F. Walker.

Art by: Guillermo Sanna.

Cover by: Rahzzah.

Description: « Caged, » part two. Luke Cage is back in the one place he never wanted to be. With his mind mangled, Luke grasps for any foothold he can find. Which is hard, as this is no ordinary prison.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: Nov. 22.

Source :


Written by: David F. Walker.

Art by: Guillermo Sanna.

Cover by: Rahzzah.

Description: « Caged, » part three. Luke’s on the chain gang, but they’re not doing road work. What horrors await the prisoners in the dreaded mine?!

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: Dec. 20.

Source :

Série annulée. Le numéro 170 sera le dernier.

Tiens, je vois bien Walker prendre en main la série Defenders après le départ de Bendis.


Written by: David F. Walker.

Art by: Guillermo Sanna.

Cover by: Rahzzah.

Description: « Caged, » part four. Luke is rescued from the collapsed mine, but he’s out of the frying pan and into the fire! What horrors await him in Ringmaster’s prison hospital?

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

In stores: Jan. 24.

Source :



Luke Cage #170

David Walker (W) Guillermo Sanna and Marcio Menyz (A)
Cover by RAHZZAH

  • Luke is home at last, and all he wants to do is read a bedtime story to his little girl, Danielle.
  • But is there something more to this fairy-tale than meets the eye?
    32 pages, $3.99.



Source :

David F. Walker ne travaille plus pour Marvel pour le moment :

To clarify…I did NOT quit Marvel. Nor was a fired. I’m just not working for them at the moment, which is how the world of freelance works. I’m working for Image, Lion Forge, and Boom, as well as a few other projects yet to be announced…including an OGN for Random House.