STAR TREK #1-30 (Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing / collectif)

Après Star Trek : Year Five, Collin Kelly et Jackson Lanzing s’occupent de la nouvelle série mensuelle Star Trek de IDW. La partie graphique a été confiée à Ramon Rosanas, vu récemment sur le Star Wars de Marvel.

"Star Trek #1 weaves an epic and unprecedented adventure story that spans the far reaches of the Star Trek multiverse, bringing together characters from across the galaxy – and all eras and variations of the beloved franchise, who must band together to prevent the mysterious murder of the gods.

« Its stardate 2378, and Benjamin Sisko has finally returned from the Bajoran Wormhole omnipotent. But his godhood is failing with every minute. Sent by the Prophets on a mission to the deepest parts of space aboard the U.S.S. Theseus, he witnesses the unthinkable: Someone is killing the gods. And only Sisko and his motley crew of Starfleet members from every era of Trek can stop them. »

« As a child, I watched reruns of the classic Star Trek series endlessly, until Next Generation, Voyager, and Deep Space Nine came along, » Rosanas said. « After that, I didn’t miss a single episode of those three series each week. Gene Roddenberry is History with a capital H and his legacy is unstoppable. Having an opportunity to bring my passion and creativity to this franchise is incredibly exciting for me. »

« Benjamin Sisko is back!, » Lanzing said. « We’re immeasurably thrilled to launch a new starship with a crew of new and familiar faces heading on a mission that will truly go where no one has gone before, an Avengers-style ongoing crossover that treats Gene Roddenberry’s creation as a living universe. This is a book where anyone can show up and where anything is possible. »

« Dreams of an optimistic, utopian future of cooperation and equality are more important now than ever, » Kelly said. « We’re both excited to continue the stories that have meant so much to us in the past and to welcome new readers to Starfleet. This is a grand adventure, one that weaves together elements from every Star Trek series to tell a new, vital, and forward-thinking sci-fi saga. »

« Star Trek has always been about telling stories of a better future, » saod editor Heather Antos, « of hope for humanity. Something this world needs now more than ever before. And what Jackson, Collin, and Ramon are doing with this series is bigger. Bigger and bolder than any Star Trek series has gone before. »

Star Trek #1 will be available in with eight covers, including those by Rosanas, Declan Shalvey, David Aja, Rachel Stott and Francesco Francavailla. Fans will also be able to read a Star Trek #1 prelude story from Rosanas, Kelly and Lanzing in September’s Star Trek #400.

Déjà c’est pour utiliser le personnage de la meilleure série Star Trek des années 90 je suis pour


Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Ramon Rosanas.

Cover by: Ramon Rosanas.

Description: It’s stardate 2378 and Benjamin Sisko has finally returned from the Bajoran Wormhole-omnipotent-but with every minute, his godhood is failing. Sent by the Prophets on a mission to the deepest parts of space aboard the U.S.S. Theseus, he witnesses the unthinkable-Someone is killing the gods. And only Sisko and his motley crew of Starfleet members from every era of Trek can stop them.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

Available: Nov. 9.

Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Oleg Chudakov.

Cover by: Ramon Rosanas, Malachi Ward, J.K. Woodward.

Description: Tasked with a mission from the Prophets, Benjamin Sisko enlists the help of an old friend from Qo’nos to track the ship and persons responsible for slaying the gods. From Star Trek: Year Five duo Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, continue the adventure in IDW’s brand-new, flagship Star Trek ongoing series that features fan-favorite characters from every era of Trek!

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: Nov. 30.

Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Joe Eisma.

Cover by: Joe Eisma, Ramon Rosanas, Angel Unzueta, Liana Kangas.

Description: When strange malfunctions begin to plague the USS Theseus mid-warp, Benjamin Sisko and his crew must band together to unveil the source behind the mysterious phenomena aboard the ship. But what initially appear as mere technological quagmires and strange happenings become a test that will determine the very fate of the universe.

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: Jan. 4.

Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Ramon Rosanas.

Cover by: Ramon Rosanas, Marcus To, Joe Quinones.

Description: Fueled by an unsettling discovery that makes their mission all the more urgent, the Defiant crew come face to face with the god killer.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99.

Available: Feb. 1.

Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Ramon Rosanas/ .

Cover by: Ramon Rosanas, Eoin Marron, Louie De Martinis.

Description: A fight for the fate of the universe has broken out in the God City. Up against an enemy ship that easily cracks the Theseus’ shields, the crew staves off enemy interlopers while the Orb of Destruction powers up with the Theseus in its scope. Already facing the impossible, the crew makes a shocking discovery that tests their faith in the mission and each other.

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: March 15.

Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Ramon Rosana.

Cover by: Ramon Rosanas, Mike Feehan, Jake Bartok.

Description: Chaos ensues as the God City sets out on a collision course for Earth! Inside the living city, Captain Sisko and Dr. Crusher face off against the cosmic being wearing the ancient city as armor. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Commander Data pushes the Theseus and its crew to their limits in trying to keep up with the being zooming across the quadrant. But where do ants stand among giants?

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: April 12.

Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Mike Feehan.

Covers by: Mike Feehan, Caspar Wijngaard, Rod Reis.

Description: The newly established Obsidian Council of Cardassia Prime has spoken: The time has come for Benjamin Sisko to stand trial for the atrocities he ordered and for his contributions to war crimes by the Federation during the Dominion War. Arc two of the Star Trek flagship comic series continues here!

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: May 17.

Written by: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.

Art by: Mike Feehan.

Covers by: Mike Feehan, Philip Murphy, Justin Mason.

Description: The lead up to the Day of Blood crossover event between the Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant ongoing series! Lieutenant Shaxs receives visions from the Bajoran Prophets. He sees his past and his future, and he sees the trial of Benjamin Sisko. The crew of the Theseus must fight their way back together after being separated across Cardassian space before their Captain’s fate is set in stone and Kahless can carry out his promise of more bloodshed…

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: July 12.

Written by: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly.

Art by: Angel Unzueta.

Covers by: Malachi Ward, Marcus To.

Description: The crossover event between Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant comes to a thrilling conclusion in part five of Day of Blood! Using powers bestowed upon him by the Prophets, emissary Benjamin Sisko withstands the god-killing weapon for now, but forces of the Orb of Destruction wear on him with each passing moment. Meanwhile, Worf agonizes over a fatal wound of his own that he can never hope to heal. What will become of our heroes? What will become of the universe? Can the crews of the Theseus and Defiant stop the godkiller once and for all?

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: Sept. 27.

Written by: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly.

Art by: Angel Unzueta.

Covers by: Marcus To.

Description: Captain Sisko and the crew of the USS Theseus team up with Starfleet Operative Kingsnake – a.k.a. Harry Kim – to stop the war-loving Tzenkethi from launching their fleet across the Quadrant. Unfortunately for Starfleet, however, the Tzenkethi leader has a surprise guest of his own who will stop at nothing to thwart Starfleet’'s plans. Meanwhile, when the crew is greeted by continuous – and frightening – earthquakes, Dr. Crusher realizes there is more going on with the planet than they may be able to survive.

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: Nov. 22.

Written by: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly.

Art by: Marcus To.

Covers by: Marcus To. Elizabeth Beals, Malachi Ward.

Description: The Tzenkethi Festival of Supremacy has come at a heavy cost for Captain Sisko when members of the Theseus crew members lose their lives to gargantuan beasts. But despite seeing through the battle and warding off the ancient reptilian species, Sisko finds himself overshadowed by the Romulans and their efforts to persuade the Tzenkethi into an alliance. All the while, Cardassia joins the bid to win over the reptilian species in hopes of taking advantage of their new war fleet. Can Sisko convince this cunning yet brute force-favoring species of Starfleet ideals… or do the Federation’s foes have a point?

Pages: 32.

Price: $4.99.

Available: Jan. 17.

(W) Collin Kelly (A) Jackson Lanzing (CA) Marcus To

Galactic war is imminent in the penultimate issue of arc three of the Eisner-nominated Star Trek series.With Federation, Romulan, and Cardassian forces all vying for leverage over the Tzenkethi war fleet, Captain Sisko is left with no choice but to request official assistance from Starfleet after he and his crew have fallen out of favor with the warmongering reptilian species. However, the proposed solution-and only option Starfleet is willing to approve-is questionable, with the potential of endangering not only the Theseus crew…but the galaxy at large.

In Shops: Feb 21, 2024

SRP: $4.99


(W) Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing (A) Marcus To, Lee Loughridge (CA) Marcus To, Rod Reis
Tzenketh is on the brink of war against the Federation… and it’s all the fault of Captain Sisko and his crew. A battle between the Tzenkethi, Romulans, and Cardassians is imminent, while Tzenketh itself begins to tremble. The Theseus crew’s actions have exacerbated the volcanic instability of the planet-another thing the Romulans will undoubtedly pin on the Federation. The Romulan Magistrex’s plot to build an alliance that will destroy the Federation is underway, can Sisko and his crew manage to save this savage world of glass and bone? Find out in the finale of arc three of the Eisner-nominated series!
In Shops: Mar 20, 2024
SRP: $4.99

(W) Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing (A/CA) Megan Levens

Having revealed their true godlike identity, T’Lir is relying on Captain Sisko to help repair Kahless’ damage to space-time and save their species from extinction. Despite the Prophets’ eerie warning that Sisko is forbidden at the Pleroma-a meeting place for god-level species at intersecting space-time coordinates-he and his crew head to the Utopia Planitia Federation Shipyards for a retrofit to the Theseus in preparation to boldly take on the unknown. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure from Section 31 approaches Lily with a mission, claiming the Federation’s future is in her hands.

In Shops: May 15, 2024

SRP: $4.99

(W) Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing (A/CA) Megan Levens

Welcome to the Pleroma, a place outside time and space where god-level species have gathered to discuss the fate of the universe! It’s up to Captain Sisko and his valiant crew of the U.S.S. Theseus to persuade the gods to allow them to help repair Kahless’ unraveling of space-time-but will they listen to mere mortals responsible for their prophesied undoing?

In Shops: Jun 19, 2024

SRP: $4.99

IDW Publishing releases Star Trek Annual #1 next week, and you can get yourself a sneak peek at the issue with the official preview below…

With no one but himself to blame for his brother’s sudden escape during the Klingon Day of Blood, Lieutenant Commander Data sheds his Starfleet uniform for an ensemble inspired by none other than Sherlock Holmes to track down Lore’s whereabouts…and figure out what sinister plans he’s been scheming. With the one and only Miles O’Brien as his Watson at his side, there is no mystery that DETECTIVE DATA can’t solve!

Acclaimed artist RACHAEL STOTT (Star Wars, Doctor Who, Fantastic Four) joins Star Trek writers Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly in the latest installment of the Eisner-nominated series.

(W) Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing (A/CA) Megan Levens

The meeting of the gods at the Pleroma continues as Captain Sisko confronts his celestial mother in the very fabric of space and time! Why was he called home to help in the fight against Kahless, only to be forbidden from attempting to protect the universe from the brutal aftermath? Meanwhile, Beverly Crusher boldly outmaneuvers the gods for an emotional reunion, and Ensign Lily Sato, torn between her best friend and feelings of disillusionment with Starfleet, contemplates a decision that could change everything with the push of a button…

In Shops: Jul 17, 2024

SRP: $4.99