Le producteur Nathan T. Rex est responsable du plus gros flop de Hollywood avec son dernier film. Pour se rattraper, il décide de ressusciter la franchise horrifique « Presidents Day » en embauchant un tueur en série comme consultant. Qu’est-ce qui pourrait mal tourner ?
C’est le point de départ de la série The Auteur, du scénariste Rick Spears et du dessinateur James Callahan, que publiera l’éditeur Oni Press à partir de mars.
Ci-dessous, la couverture des quatre premiers numéros (dont une variante réalisée par Eric Powell) et quelques images du premier numéro:
[quote=« James Callahan »]Umm – mostly we’re holding up a mirror to society, I think? I’m not sure. This thing started as a homage to « Marmaduke » with the working title « Gaffydap. » George Lopez was attached to a film adaptation. But then Rick kept changing it over and over. Once he wrote the wacky dog out of the story, we couldn’t justify a sassy parrot anymore. Needless to say, Mr. Lopez’s representation is pretty displeased at the moment. But this is a different book now, and that’s definitely different.
I’m just hoping someone will pick up the film rights, so it can be their problem. Asset. It can be their asset.[/quote]
[quote]The Auteur #2
Story by Rick Spears
Art by James Callahan
Colors by Luigi Anderson
Cover by James Callahan
Publisher Oni Press
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date Wed, April 16th, 2014
Notorious Hollywood producer, Nathan T. Rex aims to punch up the gore on his new horror film Presidents Day by hiring a real life serial killer as a “murder consultant”. Hijacking the Darwin killer’s legal defense, Rex spins the « trial of the century, » into a mockery of justice, all in the name of Tinseltown glory![/quote]
[quote]THE AUTEUR #3
Written by: Rick Spears.
Art by: James Callahan.
Cover by: James Callahan.
Description: What will unstoppable movie producer Nathan T. Rex do to get Hollywood’s hottest ingenue to take off her top on film? Uncover the lurid truth behind the glitter of tinsel town! Be warned! This comic contains indigenous nudity, brutal violence, drug use, Cthulhu, and talking naughty bits! Weird feelings guaranteed!
Pages: 32.
Price: $3.99.
In stores: May 14. [/quote]
[quote]THE AUTEUR #4
Written by: Rick Spear.
Art by: James Callahan.
Cover by: James Callahan.
Description: With blood on his hands, romance in his heart, a film to finish, and a crap ton of dynamite, Rex begins rewriting his movie in a desperate attempt to change reality, but forcing life to imitate art is harder than it looks. Things get weird!
Pages: 32.
Price: $3.99.
In stores: June 4. [/quote]
[quote]The Auteur #5
Story by Rick Spears
Art by James Callahan
Colors by Luigi Anderson
Letters by Sick Rears
Cover by James Callahan
Publisher Oni Press
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date Wed, July 16th, 2014
With his movie locked and Los Angeles nearly destroyed it’s time to get the hell out of town. T-Rex and the gang are off to Vegas to celebrate with some fear and loathing. It’s one last hallucinationatory hurrah as the doomsday clock ticks down to the premiere of Presidents Day![/quote]