TOE TAG RIOT #1 (Matt Miner / Sean Von Gorman)

Déjà collaborateurs sur l’anthologie Occupy Comics, le scénariste Matt Miner retrouvera le dessinateur Sean Von Gorman sur Toe Tag Riot.

La série raconte la malédiction d’un groupe de Punks qui se transforment en zombies à chaque fois qu’ils jouent. En attendant de trouver un remède, le groupe utilise son étrange capacité pour se débarrasser des homophobes, racistes et autres misogynes qu’ils rencontrent.

Le premier numéro sortira en 2015 chez Black Mask.

writer Matt Miner
artist Sean Von Gorman
cover Rod Reis

What is it?
A hilarious and gory tongue-in-cheek story, Toe Tag Riot is a punk rock band cursed to become zombies whenever they perform their music! The band goes on a last cross-country tour in search of a cure to their affliction, but being the ethical sometimes zombie-punks they are, Toe Tag Riot uses their zombie superpowers to rid the world of racists, homophobes, misogynists and all kinds of other nasty people.

Why it’s awesome:
Miner and Von Gorman last collaborated on one of OCCUPY COMICS’ most popular stories (about Miner’s experience during Hurricane Sandy). Now fresh off the animal avenging comic LIBERATOR, Miner brings this LGBTQ-positive zombie-punk horrorshow that the Westboro Baptist Church themselves accidentally endorsed… and then un-endorsed, and made even bigger clowns of themselves than usual in the process. Miner’s punk-positive characters and Von Gorman’s high-energy, fun storytelling make Toe Tag Riot a zany gorefest romp like none before it.

Guest appearance by Andy Hurley of Fall Out Boy![/quote]

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