Sa première longue série Vertigo Sweet Tooth étant sur le point de se terminer en décembre, Jeff Lemire (Animal Man, Justice League Dark) annonce déjà pour 2013 un nouveau projet de maxi-série de science-fiction en tant qu’auteur complet.
Trillium racontera l’histoire d’amour improbable entre Nina Temesmith, une botaniste qui effectue des recherches sur d’étranges formes de vie végétales découvertes sur une station spatiale abandonnée en 3797, et l’explorateur William Pike qui part à la recherche d’un temple Inca perdu en 1921. Romance et voyages dans le temps seront au menu des dix épisodes de Trillium.
En juin, l’éditeur Vertigo débutera la publication de la nouvelle mini-série en 8 numéros entièrement réalisée par l’artiste Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Trinity War).
Trillium raconte l’histoire d’une femme de l’an 3797 et d’un homme de 1921 qui tombent amoureux; une simple relation qui va détruire l’univers.
[quote]TRILLIUM #1
Written by JEFF LEMIRE
Art and covers by JEFF LEMIRE
On sale AUGUST 7 • 32 pg, 1 of 8, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
It’s the year 3797, and botanist Nika Temsmith is researching a strange species on a remote science station near the outermost rim of colonized space. It’s the year 1921, and renowned English explorer William Pike leads an expedition into the dense jungles of Peru in search of the fabled “Lost Temple of the Incas,” an elusive sanctuary said to have strange healing properties. Two disparate souls separated by thousands of years and hundreds of millions of miles. Yet they will fall in love and, as a result, bring about the end of the universe. Even though reality is unraveling all around them, nothing can pull them apart. This isn’t just a love story; It’s the LAST love story ever told.
Trillium is an 8-issue series that combines rich historical adventure and mind-bending science fiction into a sprawling, unconventional love story by Jeff Lemire (SWEET TOOTH, GREEN ARROW, ANIMAL MAN).[/quote]
[quote]Trillium #1
Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Cover by Jeff Lemire
Publisher Vertigo
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date Wed, August 7th, 2013
It’s the year 3797, and botanist Nika Temsmith is researching a strange species on a remote science station near the outermost rim of colonized space. It’s the year 1921, and renowned English explorer William Pike leads an expedition into the dense jungles of Peru in search of the fabled “Lost Temple of the Incas,” an elusive sanctuary said to have strange healing properties. Two disparate souls separated by thousands of years and hundreds of millions of miles. Yet they will fall in love and, as a result, bring about the end of the universe. Even though reality is unraveling all around them, nothing can pull them apart. This isn’t just a love story; It’s the LAST love story ever told.
Trillium is an 8-issue series that combines rich historical adventure and mind-bending science fiction into a sprawling, unconventional love story by Jeff Lemire (SWEET TOOTH, CONSTANTINE, ANIMAL MAN).
This amazing miniseries kicks off with 28-pages of story in a flip-book with two covers and two separate but connected stories![/quote]
[quote]Trillium #2
Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Cover by Jeff Lemire
Publisher DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date Wed, September 4th, 2013
In the heart of the Amazon jungle, Nika, a scientist from the year 3797, and William, an explorer from 1921, struggle not only to survive but to make sense of the mind-bending events that have pulled them together across space and time. The mysteries continue to pile up as Vertigo’s new sci-fi epic launches into high gear![/quote]
Pas moi, si le concept est original (retourner le bouquin pour lire les deux histoires qui se rejoignent), j’ai trouvé ca un peu bavard, et puis j’ai vraiment du mal avec le style graphique de Lemire.
[quote]Trillium #3
Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Cover by Jeff Lemire
Publisher Vertigo
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date Wed, October 2nd, 2013
After her mind-altering encounter with William, the wounded soldier from 1921, Nika is flung back to the far future, where she must face the repercussions of her actions. But will she be able to make sense of what’s happening to her in time to stop Earthlab’s genocide of the indigenous alien tribe? And can she find her way back to William?[/quote]
[quote]Trillium #4
Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Cover by Jeff Lemire
Publisher Vertigo
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date Wed, November 6th, 2013
Everything Nika and William thought they knew is thrown into question as the world of Trillium is twisted inside out. New universes emerge in the wake of last issue’s shocking ending, and William and Nika find themselves more lost than ever![/quote]
[quote]Trillium #5
Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Colors by Jeff Lemire, Jose Villarrubia
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
Cover by Jeff Lemire
Publisher Vertigo
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date Wed, December 4th, 2013
The last love story continues to amaze in the book the critics at Big Shiny Robot call “unique in its storytelling, dense and well-rendered…a work of artistic craftsmanship that you just don’t see in comics anymore…have this title added to your pull list immediately.” Indulge in the romance and discover how the fabric of the universe will never be the same.[/quote]
[quote]Trillium #6
Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Cover by Jeff Lemire
Publisher Vertigo
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date Wed, February 5th, 2014
Trapped in the distant future, William tries to convince his captors of the truth and search for the missing Nika. Unexpected allies and enemies emerge as our star-crossed lovers fight to set the universe right as Vertigo’s hit science fiction series nears its shocking climax![/quote]
[quote]Trillium #7
Story by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Colors by Jeff Lemire, Jose Villarrubia
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
Cover by Jeff Lemire
Publisher DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date Wed, March 5th, 2014
The penultimate issue of Vertigo’s acclaimed sci-fi epic is here, and Nika and William are out of time—literally! The last love story ever told nears its conclusion…but what waits beyond the end of the universe? You’ll have to read to find out![/quote]
[quote]TRILLIUM #8
Written by: Jeff Lemire.
Art by: Jeff Lemire.
Cover by: Jeff Lemire.
Description: What is Nika’s ultimate destiny? And what role will William play in the survival of humankind? Can they finally be reunited before the universe unravels all around them? Vertigo’s sci-fi epic reaches its mindbending conclusion.
Pages: 32.
Price: $2.99.
In stores: April 2. [/quote]