Pour DC, l’année 2021 commencera par une vision du futur…Future State !
card stock variant cover by KAARE ANDREWS
ON SALE 1/5/21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES | 1 OF 2 | FC | DC
With no powers, no backup and no other choice, Barry Allen and the other former Flashes face the deadliest threat they’ve ever encountered—Wally West. Possessed by an evil force trapped for thousands of years inside the Speed Force, Barry turns to his greatest foes’ weapons to save the young man he loves like a son. In the end, how much will Barry sacrifice to save the former Kid Flash?
With no powers, no backup and no other choice, Barry Allen and the other former Flashes face the deadliest threat they’ve ever encountered-Wally West. Possessed by an evil force trapped for thousands of years inside the Speed Force, Barry turns to his greatest foes’ weapons to save the young man he loves like a son. In the end, how much will Barry sacrifice to save the former Kid Flash?
Future State: The Flash #1
Written by Brandon Vietti Pencils Dale Eaglesham Inks Dale Eaglesham Colored by Michael Atiyeh Cover by Brandon Peterson Release Date: January 5, 2021
C’est bien fait.
Brandon Vietti gère bien ses personnages, caractérise bien les Speedsters, et c’est agréable de les revoir tous. Le numéro est solide, Dale Eaglesham livre de jolies planches, et ce n’est pas trop figé.
Mais bon, deux bémols.
1/ Barry qui se projette en figure paternelle « responsable » de Wally, bof.
2/ Wally encore sali par du vice et des ténèbres, y en a marre.
En dehors de ça, ça se lit bien et c’est solide.
All hope is lost as Barry Allen races to save his former partner, Wally West. Armed with the weapons of the Rogues who once tried to destroy the Flash, Barry plots an attack that’ll either free the former Kid Flash from the evil that’s possessed him-or end his threat forever!
Future State #2: The Flash
Written by Brandon Vietti Pencils Will Conrad, Brandon Peterson Inks Will Conrad, Brandon Peterson Colored by Michael Atiyeh Cover by Brandon Peterson Release Date: February 2, 2021
Attention, catastrophe industrielle.
Brandon Vietti propose un récit complètement naze pour son final, où tout est loupé. L’épisode est super lourd et désagréable à lire à cause de loooongs discours ou loooongs dialogues, abominables à suivre. Surtout, tout ça est très lent et usant, avec un Barry insupportable et un Famine (qui possède Wally) peu charismatique.
Reste un final qui a le courage d’être sombre et désespéré, et de faire le lien avec Teen Titans ; bien. Mais c’est peu, surtout que Peterson et Conrad doivent venir en pompiers après le départ d’Eaglesham.
Départ qui n’était apparemment pas voulu par l’intéressé :
Future State:Flash #2- I am seeing my name in the credits in some previews. To be clear, while I was expecting to draw it, and had begun thumbnailing it, I did not pencil that issue. It was taken away from me and I no longer work for DC.