DC COMICS : le général

« In DC Future State, the Multiverse has been saved from the brink of destruction, but the triumph of DC’s heroes has shaken loose the very fabric of time and space!. The final chapter of Dark Nights: Death Metal ( on sale January 5, 2021) brings new life to DC’s Multiverse, kicking off this glimpse into the unwritten worlds of DC’s future! »

Future State sera un event de deux mois, composé d’anthologies, de mini-séries et de one-shots qui emmèneront les lecteurs vers le futur de l’univers DC. Toutes les séries DC feront une pause pendant ces deux mois avant de reprendre en mars.

Marie Javins :

« The DC Universe has always been fertile ground for new and refreshing takes on our characters, and DC Future State definitely contributes to this legacy. When the event begins in January, some savvy readers will not only pick up on some of the breadcrumbs that have already been tossed out in our current titles, but they will also find new hints and clues of what’s to come in 2021. »


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