Le scénariste et dessinateur Mort Walker nous a quittés à l’âge de 94 ans.

Pilier du King Features Syndicate, il avait notamment créé les comic-strips Beetle Bailey et Hi and Lois (dessiné par Dik Browne).




Le scénariste Michael Fleisher nous a quittés à l’âge de 75 ans.

La carrière de Michael Fleisher s’est étendue sur deux décennies, avant qu’il se retire du monde des comics au début des années 90 après l’obtention d’un doctorat en anthropologie.

Michael Fleisher a principalement écrit pour DC Comics : chez cet éditeur, il a surtout marqué les personnages du Spectre (dans Adventure Comics) et Jonah Hex (qu’il a écrit pendant plus de 10 ans) et livré de nombreuses histoires courtes pour les anthologies House of Mystery et House of Secrets.
Il a également travaillé chez Atlas/Seabord, 2000AD, Warren Publishing et Marvel (notamment sur les séries de Ghost Rider et Conan).




Il était chef cuisinier, romancier, essayiste, animateur de télévision et scénariste de comics.

Anthony Bourdain nous a quittés à l’âge de 61 ans.


C’était un Canadien ?

non, américain
et il nous a quitté chez nous, à Kaysersberg près de Colmar


Le dessinateur philippin Angelo « Bong » Dazo est décédé des suites d’un cancer.

Il avait notamment travaillé sur plusieurs séries Deadpool pour Marvel et sur Star Wars : Chevaliers de l’Ancienne République pour Dark Horse.




Une légende des comics nous a quittés.

Il avait co-créé Spider-Man, Docteur Strange (ainsi que leurs plus grands ennemis), Speedball, Squirrel Girl, The Creeper, Captain Atom, The Question…et j’en passe !

Steve Ditko, celui qui racontait des histoires étranges, est décédé à l’âge de 90 ans.



C’était un sacré personnage.

Ouais, y en a vraiment pas deux comme lui !
De ce que j’ai lu de lui, j’ai toujours eu l’impression qu’il avait une sorte d’intégrité morale chez lui !
J’estime/je pense que c’est assez rare aujourd’hui !

Ah mince, ça fait quelque chose.

Bon, après, je pense à un truc qui me donne des sueurs froides : tous les gens qui l’ont croisé et qui m’en ont parlé m’ont dit qu’il ne vendait jamais une planche, et que son appartement en était rempli. Du coup, j’imagine bien les rapaces et les vautours se jeter sur le trésor.
(Bon, il vaut mieux ça que ça parte à la benne, c’est sûr…)



Mon tout premier épisode de Spider-Man, dans l’album « La Folie de l’Araignée ». J’avais à peine 10 ans…inoubliable !

Que de grands moments d’héroïsme, et puis ce style inimitable dans sa capacité à retranscrire une certaine tension (aaah ces gros plans sur des visage angoissés ou apeurés…) et des atmosphères entêtantes. Et puis bien sûr tous ces super-vilains mémorables (Octopus, le Lézard, Mystério, etc…).


La période qui m’aura permis de découvrir ce personnage fabuleux et son univers (en parallèle du dessin animé des années 90 et de certains arcs de Stern sur ASM), forcément ça marque…


Pendant longtemps, une seule et unique histoire de son run mirifique sur Dr Strange m’était familière (la toute première rencontre entre Stephen et Cléa, suivie de l’affrontement puis l’alliance avec Dormammu).
Depuis, j’ai rattrapé cette lacune et quel délice.


Ah flûte ! Un grand des grands nous a quitté.

Hommages :

Jerry Ordway

Steve Ditko’s Spider-Man was a marvel of clear storytelling and clean rendering!He was bringing Stan full issues of pencils, which Stan ‘’wrote to.” No story conferences:)

Tom King

RIP to Steve Ditko. His art was sublime.

(Apologized to Dave Gibbons once for stealing his 9 panel grid all the time. Gibbons told me not to worry; he stole it from Ditko. We stand on the shoulders of giants.)

Scott Snyder

Keep trying to write a tweet about what Steve Ditko’s work has meant to me. But just going to say thank you Mr Ditko for changing my life with your visionary, uncompromising ways. RIP

Joe Quesada

Only a small group of individuals can claim that they have effected and redefined, not just an industry, but popular culture worldwide. Steve Ditko was one of those few who dared to break molds every time his pencil and pen hit a blank sheet of paper.

Patrick Zircher

Steve Ditko passed away.
Comics are unimaginable without his influence.

He co-created Spider-man, which will be remembered as significant as Doyle creating Sherlock Holmes or Fleming creating James Bond.
Spider-man may outlast them both.

Jason Aaron

I would’ve given anything to have lived inside Steve Ditko’s head for a day. And he got to do it for 90 years. We were all just lucky to be able to enjoy the fruits of his beautiful weirdness. Thank you for always being you, Mr. Ditko. Rest in peace.

Edgar Wright

RIP to comic book legend Steve Ditko, beyond influential on countless planes of existence. He never truly profited from his comic creations that have lasted for decades, but his work will never be forgotten.

Phil Hester

Here’s to Steve Ditko, and the lesson that intractable idiosyncrasies in an artist’s work are truer windows into their creative souls than any practiced technique.

Mitch Gerads

Drawing a Steve Ditko creation in MM 10 and now those panels can never be good enough.

Gail Simone

He did his best with desperate characters. Kirby excelled at drawing bigger than life, Ditko was best with the small man, the weak man.
That’s why my favorite Ditko stories were the horror and suspense stories. Almost no one drew desperation like he could.

Gerry Conway

Sad news. I only met Ditko once, though he drew several of my scripts. A quiet guy, he seemed more distant than intense. Wish he’d found more joy as a creator to equal the joy he gave me as a fan. What an amazing, incomparable talent.

Erik Larsen

Sorry to hear about the passing of Steve Ditko. I met him once and collaborated with him on one job. He was a big influence. I was a huge fan of his work. He will forever be the definitive artist on Spider-Man and Dr. Strange. A tremendous talent.

Al Ewing

RIP Steve Ditko, dead at 90. Like many who’ve gone in recent years, he and his work exerted a massive cultural gravity on my life, bending and shaping it in subtle ways. I’m sure a great many others could say the same, whether they know it or not.

Walt Simonson

Steve Ditko has caught the last web out across the city into the mystic. An early influence on my work, I met Steve exactly once many years ago for a few moments in the Marvel offices. Getting to shake his hand was a privilege. Thanks for all the lovely work, Steve. Godspeed.

Neil Gaiman

Steve Ditko was true to his own ideals. He saw things his own way, and he gave us ways of seeing that were unique. Often copied. Never equalled. I know I’m a different person because he was in the world.

Jonathan Ross

I am beyond sad. For me, the single greatest comic book artist and creator who ever lived, Steve Ditko, is gone. Thank you for your tireless brilliance and boundless imagination, Steve, you uncompromising genius

Fabian Nicieza

Thank you Steve Ditko for everything you gave us.
Thank you for giving me the honor of working on Speedball stories with you.
The results of your imagination will live on forever.

Pareil pour moi, sauf que j’avais à peine onze ans !!!


Également Mr. A et Hawk & Dove
J’aime beaucoup également ses histoires fantastiques.

Difficile de ne trouver qu’une seule image pour lui rendre hommage.


Dan Slott raconte son unique rencontre avec Steve Ditko :

Saddened to hear that Steve Ditko has passed away.
There are few people in this world that have had
more of a positive effect on my life than this man.

I got to meet him once, back in the 90’s when I was on staff at Marvel as their Art Returnist. I had the art for the first Squirrel Girl story, one of his last jobs for Marvel, and had to send him an art release form for it before I was allowed to send the originals back.

I’d never sent anything to him before-- and to my surprise, when I looked for his address in my giant rolodex, there was just a phone number and nothing more. It was the only card like that.

With a deep breath, I started calling the number. I was freaking out. I kept saying to myself, « You’re calling Steve Ditko. You’re calling Steve Ditko. You’re calling Steve Ditko. » I’d read every Steve Ditko comic known to man. This was one of the greatest idols of my entire life. And he’d earned the reputation of being the « J.D. Salinger of comics »-- in that he was pretty much off the grid and preferred it that way. And here I was calling him.

And he answered.

« Hello, Mr. Ditko, » I said, « My name’s Dan Slott, I’m the art returnist from Marvel Comics. I have some of your original art here, but I don’t have an address to send you the art return form. »

He said, « It’s all right. I live in the city. I’ll just come over. Is now a good time? »

I said, « Sure. That’d be great. Thank you. »

And then I was saying to myself over and over again, « Steve Ditko is coming here. Steve Ditko is coming HERE. »

He had on a sweater jacket and a cap, not a baseball cap. A proper cap. He was very polite and quite friendly. I knew he famously did NOT like to talk about Spider-Man or any of the characters he created or co-created for Marvel back in the day. So my entire inner-monologue was « Don’t ask him about Spider-Man. Do NOT ask him about Spider-Man. Give the man his art and, DEAR GOD, don’t ask him about Spider-Man. »

I gave him the filled out form. He signed it. I gave him the art for the Squirrel Girl job, which was lovingly wrapped and bundled. He said, « Thank you. » And I said « Thank YOU » (which I desperately wanted to mean « Thank you for EVERYTHING, but I so don’t want to bug you. »). He smiled the whole time. And left with the art. And with the door closed, I finally remembered how breathing is supposed to work.

I love Spider-Man. I love Spider-Man more than any fictional character in the history of literature & stories. I dedicated one 5th of my life to chronicling his adventures. I have had a very nice life because of Spider-Man. Thank you for EVERYTHING, Steve Ditko. I love every bit of creativity and passion that you have brought into this world-- and it has meant the world to me.

Tain mais je fais une parenthèse manga et j’apprends ça… Mais zut quoi…

En même temps, tout le monde l’a appris tard : son corps fut découvert le 29 juin (il est probablement décédé entre le 27 et le 29), et la police a attendu le 6 juillet pour l’annoncer.

Ah, et pour en savoir plus sur Ditko, je vous conseille l’article en quinze parties (oui, quinze !) qui lui est dédié sur le blog Dial B for Blog (que je vous conseille également, au passage).
Bon, évidemment, c’est réservé aux anglophones.


J. M. DeMatteis se remémore l’impact de Ditko sur son propre travail et la seule fois où il l’a rencontré : J.M. DeMatteis's CREATION POINT: REMEMBERING DITKO

Without Steve Ditko there would be no Ted Kord, which means no Blue Beetle and Booster Gold anchoring JLI. Without Steve Ditko there would be no Kraven the Hunter, which means no Kraven’s Last Hunt.

We build our careers on the backs of giants.

Rest well, Mr. Ditko.