Grosse élégance.
Très tres classe.
tout pareil, classe à mort.
Jason Aaron sur son ru sur Thor:
—I’d totally forgotten about the idea that the “Godbomb” arc would end with an angry old God of Gods being roused from his slumber, a villain I would gradually build towards over the course of my run. In a follow-up email to Lauren, I described that story as:
Much like the Biblical story of Noah, I want the original creator of the universe to show up and be disgusted with what’s become of his creation and start to destroy the entire universe so that he can start it all over again. And Thor has to stop him. Basically setting up god vs. God.
That’s one idea I ended up abandoning completely. Or did I?
—“Tournament of the Gods,” the initial idea for my second arc, would ultimately grow into the “Asgard/Shi’ar War” storyline, which would wind up being one of Jane Foster’s adventures during the MIGHTY THOR series.
—“The Return of Dr. Midas” was also abandoned, but I did wind up using Midas as the villain in ORIGINAL SIN, the Marvel event that left Thor unworthy.
JM Dematteis
Came across the plot for a Doctor Strange 45 page one-shot that was supposed to come out in '96, right after the Doc monthly I was writing ended. It was about Doc’s attempt to redeem Dormammu, who’d been exiled to Earth. The book was canceled, for unexplained reasons.
Dans la newsletter de Brevoort
. T
wo examples spring to mind, one of which I’ve mentioned previously; When Fabian Nicieza left NEW WARRIORS , I held an open call for pitches to replace him. One of the ones I received (and directly sought out) was from a new writer whom Marie Javins had brought on to write HELLSTORM , Warren Ellis . As you’d expect, Ellis’s pitch for the series was very well-written. But it was also bold in a way that I wasn’t ready to be yet (he planned to kill off 2/3 of the characters in the first issue as a way of clearing the decks, something I didn’t necessarily want to do.) But buried there in that pitch was a character called Jenny Sparks, a proto-version of the character Warren and Bryan Hitch would later introduce in STORMWATCH/THE AUTHORITY . Along similar lines, while I was working in the Spider-Man office, a young Mark Millar (with whom I’d worked on SKRULL KILL KREW ) pitched me a series called SHOCKER in which the young nephew of the Spidey villain would inherit his costume and identity after the villain had died, and would be ushered into the underworld of super-criminals, one with its own rules and mores. But this was right around the time that Marvelcution was about to happen, and that pitch got scuttled in the crossfire. Undaunted, Mark completely rethought a bunch of the notions that he’d had for that book and turned them into WANTED over at Top Cow some years later. So Marvel could have had Jenny Sparks and Wesley Gibson, but neither one would have quite been the character they became under other circumstances.
Amusant !
Je crois qu’on n’en a pas parlé ici (en tout cas, la recherche ne me donne aucun résultat), mais Carlo Pacheco, dans la première moitié des années 1990, a travaillé sur un projet Motormouth sous-titré « Re-MIX ».
Il était alors en début de carrière, après avoir réalisé des couvertures pour les éditions espagnoles de Marvel et avoir travaillé sur Dark Guard, une mini-série située dans l’univers Marvel et, si mes souvenirs sont bons, chapeautée par Marvel UK.
Il est intéressant de noter que ce récit, écrit par Rafael Marin (scénariste et romancier de science-fiction espagnol, avec qui Pacheco travaillera sur Fantastic Four), présente plein d’idées qui ont été exploitées depuis lors : un Spider-Man alternatif sous les drapeaux au Viêt-Nam, un Watcher assassiné…
Assez intéressant à defaut d etre sourcé et s y dessine une autre explication à la mise au rencart de bendis et king de leurs titres : leurs histoires ( l abandon de l identité secrete de sup et la mort d alfred) etaient des pivots vers la 5g.
Didio parti, un grand ménage aurait été ainsi fait ?
Cette 5g semblait bien mieux préparée que le new52.
Pas etonnant alors, si tout ça est avéré, que l univers dc ait semblé flotter si longtemps après son annulation.
D’après des témoignages que j’ai eus, ce n’est pas le cas : des idées, mais peu de designs et pas d’équipes créatrices. Sans doute que s’ils s’étaient donné le temps de monter le dossier, on aurait abouti à ce que tu décris, mais ils semblent avoir voulu communiquer trop tôt.
Ah d accord.
La précipitation semble etre le talon d achille de didio.
La mort d’Alfred était un choix de Didio. King voulait le faire revenir.
Notamment pour veillir batman si on en croit les articles.