N’ayant jamais lu les FF de cette époque, je me demandais justement après avoir posé ma question si ça ne correspondait pas à ce moment-là. Merci pour la réponse détaillée !

Veux-tu bien arrêter de traîner sur ce forum et rattraper fissa ce retard culturel, non mais !!!


La sortie de l’omnibus (avec la meilleure partie du run) c’est le mois prochain ?

Je vais plutôt prendre mon mal en patience et attendre que les Intégrales y parviennent, je me lance déjà en ce moment dans les Intégrales des séries mutantes afin tout lire dans l’ordre en comblant les trous.

L’espace d’un instant, j’ai vu un tunnel lumineux où chantaient des anges à poil avec des harpes. Heureusement, une voix me criait : « Carol-Anne, n’entre pas dans la lumière ! »

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Pour préserver les cœurs fragiles de Jim et Fred : j’ai lu certains épisodes de cette époque, mais malheureusement pas tout !

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Merci pour l’ajout des pages. :ok_hand:

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Proposed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Daredevil crossover art by Kevin Eastman circa 1985.

“Kevin Eastman drew this Marvel tryout piece for a TMNT-Daredevil cross-over in 1985, just months after publishing TMNT #1 and as Marvel’s Daredevil enjoyed peak popularity under Frank Miller. This huge DPS (18” x 24" on Craftint paper) features TMNT’s leader Leonardo and Daredevil in tandem– a pairing of fearless heroes with similar if not linked origins. Among the largest and most detailed TMNT drawings, Eastman went all out to impress Marvel with incredible character details and depth/shading techniques. I love the striking composition and how both characters appear to jump right off the page!

As you may know, Eastman and Laird conceived TMNT as a direct parody to Marvel’s Daredevil…the traffic accident and truck carrying radioactive waste causing the turtles mutation was an allusion to Daredevil’s origin, if not the very same event. ‘Splinter’ is a parody of Daredevil’s master, 'Stick.’ The Foot clan of ninjas is a parody of 'The Hand,’ blind man and blindfolds, Hell’s Kitchen heroes, etc.

Unfortunately, Marvel declined (perhaps a regret given TMNT’s global popularity). I hope Marvel and Nickelodeon may one day reconsider and make this compelling crossover happen.“

La boucle aurait été bouclée.

Avec une couverture de Frank Miller, ça aurait été génial.

presentation pieces by Walt Simonson for a proposed 80’s Green Lantern movie printed in 1989

1 « J'aime »

punaise c’est beau

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However, a fascinating « What If…? » involved Thomas and Smith > back in Smith’s first stint in the States, and it was about the most unusual superhero team that you could think of, as briefly, as Thomas and Smith worked up a proposal for a superhero team that would star, of all people, Bucky, Quicksilver and Red Raven!
From that same Cooke interview, here are three pages from the pitch, as I guess we see Bucky (who would have been Rick Jones at the time) considering making his own superhero legacy as he was obviously a bit stuck in the shadow of the other Avengers…

Thomas later shared a drawing by Smith of the Grim Reaper in [Alter Ego #118](Alter Ego 118 : TwoMorrows Publishing, The Future of Comics and LEGO™ Publications., who would have been the villain of the series…

L’article parle de l’influence de Jack Kirby sur Barry (pas encore Windsor-)Smith, et c’est flagrant sur cette page !

Dommage qu’on n’ait pas plus d’infos sur cette équipe, s’il a dessiné quelques pages c’est que Roy Thomas devait surement déjà avoir proposé le pitch du premier épisode.

aurait du etre une ongoing avec quelques projets changés en cours

White à propos de Moira X :

Without going into too much detail, it was at the same time as the Moira series died is when that happened. X-Men Monday fans remember that we at one point were talking about a Moira series. We had talked to Al Ewing about it. He had a pitch for it. Like, it was good, but then Jonathan’s plans shifted pretty radically and it became, “Oh, actually, instead of doing that, I’m going to do this. Sorry, Al, let’s get you another book.” And the direction that Moira was going in shifted in a big way. But that doesn’t mean that we had to like radically reinterpret the scenes from House of X . The questionable things that she did back then are still the same questionable things she did now. It’s just where they ultimately ended up was different.

AIPT: So did Al have in-depth plans for the Moira series?

Jordan: Oh yeah, he had actual plans. I don’t want to make it sound like we had it in our publishing schedule and it was fully approved, but we talked to him about it and he thought about it. And he’s a really incredibly smart guy who comes up with ideas. And so he wrote us back going, “Here’s what I’m thinking.” And he had a plan for what the series would be like. And we were like, “Oh, that’s so cool.” But relatively shortly thereafter, it was like, actually, there’s not going to be any space for that. Sorry.

AIPT: You’ll have to release the plans someday.

Jordan: Someday. But again, it’s going to be a while because our plans are also interconnected and it shows our hand too much about what we end up doing.

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Oh merci, merci ! Je voulais savoir pourquoi… :wink:

Sketchs venant d un pitch d’Alex Ross pour une serie Captain Marvel en 2020?


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Je les trouve très classe ces costumes.