Trop grillé !

Le succès du mcu fut un indice de taille. Trop gros.

C’est toujours top.

J’ai la faiblesse de croire que non.



Dave Ryan : « I pitched this to Marvel around 2005 after issue 3 of Black Panther. The premise was Wakanda was overthrown by Man-Ape and the Lethal Legion. Black Panther was imprisoned so this team went in undercover. The editor went character by character and told me why he couldn’t use them, including that Brother Voodoo had a tv show coming out. »

Green Lantern: The Animated Series — Season Two promortional art (but later show was canceled)

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La série Punisher vs Barracuda a visiblement été annulée. Marvel Fandom ne cite que les trois premiers épisodes, sans doute sur la base de sollicitation, et readcomiconline n’en donne aucun, ce qui est un indice assez évident du fait que rien n’est sorti.

Sur le compte Facebook The Punisher HQ, le 27 janvier 2024, quelques informations complémentaires et visuels (de mauvaise qualité) ont été donnés :

All of you know that Punisher vs Barracuda was shelved by Marvel. But Declan Shalvey shared some cool images of fully colored pages of that unreleased story.

Notable points:

  • This run was supposed to be released after Matthew Rosenberg (2018) run ended;

  • Axel Alonso (former Marvel EiC) gave the green light to this project but he left Marvel in 2017 and his place was occupied by CB Cebulski;

  • The series was supposed to be called « The Punisher » but they changed it to Punisher vs Barracuda;

  • Declan wanted this series to be set in New York but Axel Alonso wanted to be in Florida;

  • Declan Shalvey had his own covers planned for this run, but Marvel put another artist to do the main covers (Ryan Stegman);

  • Declan and Ed Brisson confirmed that this title was « canceled » due to real life events, BLM protests, etc…;

  • This series starts in prison with the introduction of Barracuda and he was targeted by some white supremacists, later they joined forces to get rid of the Punisher.


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Dommage !

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C’est la série qui devait introduire Barracuda dans l’univers-616, ou cela a déjà été fait avant ?

Yep !

Il finira bien par y arriver d’une façon ou d’une autre… et ce serait même dommage de se priver d’un tel personnage !

Marco Rudy :

"Master of Kung Promo for a series that didn’t get picked.

I haven’t posted here in a bit, will try to do so again, from now on. This piece and more, was part of a pitch for a MoKF mini that Marvel picked but chose not to publish, at the time and I’m assuming now that train is long gone.

The mini was all painted, like the promo art. While most of the interiors were all sold, i still have this piece and some of the other posters available, for those interested.

11x17″ acrylics on 300g paper."

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Précise-t-il à quelle époque cette mini aurait dû sortir ?

Visiblement 2022 si on regarde bien en bas à droite du dessin.

Ca envoie…

C’est pas lié à ce dessin ?


SILVESTRI, MARC signed - Uncanny X-Men #280/#281 final Claremont storyline cover, X-Men & X-Factor vs Wolverine & Apocalypse

Stephen Donnelly : Cover was not used as Claremont was let go by Marvel
for issue #279 and they redid all the X-titles along with the Uncanny series with issue #281.
Chris had plan to turn Wolverine to villain by issue #300.

The final, published #280 cover also has Cyclops, Marvel Girl, wounded Prof X, Wolvie, + Rogue

Here’s what X-Men researcher supreme, Jeph York, had to say about ID’ing this cover:

Just from the visual cues, it was likely for a title circa Uncanny X-Men #280. (Professor X is back from his long stint in space from UXM #200-277, but in a wheelchair again after being crippled in #280. Banshee is in the gold training uniform he picked up in #275. Etc.)
X-Factor did face Apocalypse in X-Factor #65-68, but Wolverine was not involved. However, Chris Claremont has said in various interviews over the years that his original long-range plans for UXM #300 included Wolverine being turned to evil.
It’s possible that this was an advance cover for an Uncanny X-Men issue circa #281, after X-Factor rejoined the X-Men. But when Chris left the book (#279 was his last issue), plans were changed and the cover was scrapped.

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quel gachis que ce muir island saga.

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Les series télé qui n ont pas vu le jour


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Zircher sur Twitter
A line-up of characters JM DeMatteis and I were kicking around a few years ago. The Cult was a group with various religious/spiritual philosophies-- joined together for a common good.
If you get a chance to work with JM, do it.
This was a very collaborative pitch. JM chose Gargoyle and Astrid Mordo. I chose Satana and Golem. We modified Devil-Slayer so we’d both be happy. We co-created Kindeva.
Right down the middle
Kindeva is a human-deva hybrid. The deva live on another dimensional plane (or loka as it’s called in Hinduism.
'Thana is reincarnated on Earth as a protector of humankind–except even she doesn’t believe it. She’s the teen daughter of a wealthy New Delhi businessman–not a hero.

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