C’est vrai qu’à ce moment-là il y a une accumulation de coups durs pour le héros : la mort d’Harry suivie par Maximum Carnage (c’est là qu’a lieu l’enterrement, non ?), la fin de l’ère Michelinie avec la révélation de la véritable nature des faux parents Parker (où comment remuer le couteau dans la plaie concernant le défunt Harry), la reprise d’ASM par DeMatteis avec la déprime d’un Peter se retranchant dans son autre identité, puis le choquant retour du clone (absent pendant 19 ans) comme électrochoc créatif.
"In the early 90s, Spider-Man’s world started to turn darker. His best friend (and son of his greatest enemy), Harry Osborn, had died after trying to kill Peter. Peter’s long dead parents returned, and just as he began to accept them into his life again, they were revealed to be life model decoys created by the Chameleon and The Green Goblin (Harry Osborn). Harry had put this incredible plan in motion before his death and even left a posthumous ‹ gotcha › message for Peter. This latest revelation sent him over the edge with rage. Slowly, Peter Parker began to sink into his Spider-Man persona. He went so far as to start separating his personality from Peter Parker and thinking of himself as the Spider. People were losing interest in the character. Something needed to be done.
In early 1994, Aunt May suffered a major health setback and fell into a coma. Mary Jane and Peter’s relationship has strained to the point where she needed time to get away. Peter was spending more time as Spider-Man and Spider-Man had become darker, more violent. And a few panels at a time, in each issue, a mysterious stranger was revealed to be heading back into Peter’s life. As months went on, clues to the stranger’s identity were revealed, and his objective defined. He had heard about May’s health and needed to see her before she died."
j aime bien lost years mais pas al série avec reilly… c etait mal foutu… les persos secondaires bof, les menaces bof…
Moi au fond j ai trouvé que la saga du clone était assez sympa a part maximum carnage qui est une purge…
Tout ce qu a fait Dematteis est tres bons avec bien sur en point d orgue l amort de may et de Harry… pour moi dematteis est avec stern et ditko…