Je mise sur Pietro, avec une tenue faisant ressortir ses origines (tel le look « gitan » de Wanda chez Busiek)
Lui il est à droite aux côtés de Dane.
Je mise sur Pietro, avec une tenue faisant ressortir ses origines (tel le look « gitan » de Wanda chez Busiek)
Lui il est à droite aux côtés de Dane.
Oeuf course !
Ah oui, pietro avait un.look approchant dans les vengeurs du moyen age de busiek et Perez, non ?
Il y a aussi Red Norvell (Thor a des remplaçants pratiquement à chaque décennie).
Perun et ses collègues du Protectorat du Peuple,j’adore.
Justement c’est lui.
Ah bah voilà.
Dauterman :
My latest costumes cover ft. the Scarlet Witch!
Drawn and colored by me!
« Before I was writing, I don’t know, 18 issues a year of Avengers usually, so now we’ll just be doing 24 issues a year, two different titles, which will be two very different kinds of books, but it will also at the same time be different sides of the same coin. That’s kind of part of all one big story that, just a bit down the road, will come crashing together. »
« Again, it’s very much kind of everything I’ve been doing in Avengers really from day one. It’s kind of all been building towards one big thing. Avengers Forever was always kind of a road marker along the way. I’ve known for a long time. Knew for a long time I would do the Heroes Reborn story that we did with the Squadron Supreme, and then kind of coming a bit after that would be Avengers Forever . That’s sort of the last signpost before we eventually get to where everything has been building. »
« Probably with Thor , I think things changed, because I had, by that point when I got Thor , I had been writing Wolverine for probably about the same amount of time as I would write Thor , about seven years. But that was over the course of a lot of different books. I wrote a couple issues of the ongoing book. Then I had my own spinoff Wolverine book, and then a different mini-series. I started Wolverine and the X-Men . So I’d kind of been writing the character, but not like I was just writing Wolverine #1 through 55 or whatever. It jumped around. »
« Yeah. It’s kind of talked about before how I figured out pretty quickly in my early days of trying to break into comics that it wasn’t… The path to success was not just to chase characters. I did plenty of that. I’d looked at the characters I’d most like to write or thought I had a good story for, or that any editor would return my emails about and send out pitches for those. So there was a lot of Punisher pitches and Captain America pitches. I remember in particular those two, which none of them ever amounted to anything. »
« Like you asked me before, I was not really the world’s hugest Ghost Rider fan. I had read some of the original book. I think there was an issue of that that was one of the first comics I ever bought. I read a little of the Danny Ketch stuff in the '90s but was never huge into that, so it was a character I liked and that I was interested in, but that I didn’t… I don’t know. It was the same with Thor. It wasn’t a character that I was carrying a lunchbox full of Thor ideas. It was the same with Ghost Rider. To me, it’s always about what feels right in that moment in time. Ghost Rider popped up, felt very right, felt like I had an interesting take on it and got to just run with it. »
« Look, I’m as big a nerd and as big a comic book fan as anybody, and I’ve got all the long boxes in my basement to prove it. But again, I felt like those are kind of things I figured out quickly, and trying to break in is that the human relationships in the equation were more important than just the character relationships and that you couldn’t just chase after, « Hey, I’m the world’s biggest Spider-Man fan, and I really just want to write Spider-Man, regardless of what the timing is and the situation. » That didn’t seem the way to do it to me. »
« I think Thor and Ghost Rider are two great examples of characters I didn’t have a huge knowledge of, didn’t have a huge pre-existing affinity for, but they popped up on my radar at the right moment in time, and I was able to figure out a connection to the story to tell with them that seemed to resonate and that was something different than what we had seen before, built upon what we had seen before with the character, but took them into a new direction. »
« I think in my mind, I had had Ghost Rider as an Avenger for years before I first started writing Avengers, because it’s kind of come up. I’d been in a discussion before to write Avengers in the past, and just whatever… That first issue cover that was in my mind, there was always a Ghost Rider on it. I don’t know if it was always who that Rider was, I don’t think I knew. When I was putting together the roster, no, nobody ever told me, « Put this character on it, put that character on it. » I think we all knew and agreed at the time that this would kind of be the book that would bring back together the original big three of Cap and Tony and Thor Odinson, which was the first time we’d seen those characters together in quite a while. But other than that, it was really up to me to fill that in. »
« No. I don’t think any of us should ever feel any sort of sense of entitlement to those characters. I wouldn’t even call it ownership. I think with something like Thor, maybe more so than anything else I’ve done, I feel like I carved my name in the character a little bit, right? Like carved out my story within this very long 50+ year narrative. I feel like I was able to make my mark, so I definitely feel proud and feel ownership of that seven-year period of stories, right? Which you can read in various collections and is there ideally forever, like exists as what it is and it’s one overall narrative. I feel ownership over that. »
« Then it’d be the same when Donny passes it off some day to whoever comes next. We’re all just part of this big chain. I think you have to feel proud and happy to be a part of that, right? And it’s another step to say that you were… Then it’s another step to say that you were maybe, in some people’s eyes, a significant part of that, in terms of their reaction to your story or whatever. So I just look at it that way. I’m still just happy every day I get to get up and do this job and work on characters like this and get to have the chance to carve my name on that mountain. »
« One was my Thor stuff I think from the very first retreat where I pitched the Thor: God of Thunder story with Gorr the God Butcher and I got a really great reaction to that. I felt good about it. And the Jane Foster stuff, I was pitching that in the room. Some of it, again, comes from seeing those stories so clearly in my head before anything existed on them. Those beats were clear, those moments were clear, the motions were clear, characters, especially the Jane story, because that had been living in my head for years by that point before we got to the point where we were actually doing it. »
« So no, I don’t think we had any of those thoughts in mind when me and Esad [Ribic] were working on God of Thunder and talking about the God Butcher or any of that sort of stuff. We were just trying to do the biggest, best Thor story we could imagine. But yeah, now I’m excited. I’m excited to see what Taika [Waititi] does. I’m a huge fan of his. I think Jojo Rabbit was one of my favorite movies of the last few years. It’s my son’s favorite movie ever. To have Christian Bale playing that character is super exciting, and to see Natalie Portman coming back and what they’re going to do with the Jane Foster stuff. Yeah. I’m excited. It’s a different thing. I’ve never seen my stuff, Marvel stuff adapted in quite a huge way. Yeah, I’m excited to see where they go with it. »
« I think you might see me take a break from that to do focus on sort of projects with a specific beginning, middle, and end point, which is one of those is the book, a mysterious book I alluded to earlier that we’ll see next year. »
Avengers Forever #1
(W) Jason Aaron (A/CA) Aaron Kuder
In Shops: Dec 22, 2021
On a quest for cosmic vengeance, Ghost Rider finds himself roaring through the wasteland on a ruined Earth, where the great age of heroes never came to be, where hope is a four-letter word and where his only ally in the coming battle against the greatest villains any universe has ever seen is the world’s most wanted archaeologist, Tony Stark…the Invincible Ant-Man. Spinning out of the cataclysmic events of AVENGERS #750 and operating in lockstep with the prime AVENGERS series, the next great Avengers saga begins here, as the Mightiest Heroes of every Earth begin to assemble.
Haha des fourmis « venomisées »!
Bon faudra voir sur la longueur même si je soupçonne cette série d’être là rampe de lancement d’un prochain évent.
J ai pris le tome 1 de reborn.
Je ne rentre pas dedans.
Tu as perdu la clé ou tu as pris du poids ?
J ai perdu aaron
Même sur Conan ?
Vous n avez aucun sens du fun
Ce mot n’existe pas chez Lacan.