A pg in 2 halves from a Fury story that almost was. Written by old friend, Bruce Canwell, « Malfunction » was supposed to appear in Marvel’s SHADOWS & LIGHT (b&w), but the book got canceled before we finished, and then both of us got busy with other things.
It was a good story.
Une belle occasion manquée.
Superboy par Tom King & Rocafort au moment des New 52 (donc bien avant Superman : Up in the Sky et Supergirl : Woman of Tomorrow) :
« Design for the return/reintroduction of Superboy by Kenneth Roquefort. This was part of a new52 Superboy series I was supposed to do a bunch of years ago. Series didn’t go for a number of reasons. Design is still cool though. »
Bah finalement il passe d’un pantalon à une jupe.
Y a pas une blague salace à faire là ?
Il affirme ses origines écossaises ?
Cette couverture devait probablement être prévue pour SHADOWS & LIGHT puisque la signature indique la date de parution de ce titre.
C’est vraiment superbe !
Avant d entamer son run sur les x men, jim lee avait commencé un «graphic novel» reunissant fury et le punisher. Je ne sais pas si on en a déjà parlé.
21 pages sur les 64 de prévues furent dessinées.
Ps : c est rageant, j ai le lien Internet vers le trumblr mais si je le mets, seul une image apparaît dans mon post.
Bon sinon il y a ce lien aussi
Il me semble que oui, mais ça fait toujours plaisir d’en reparler : purée, j’aurais bien aimé le lire, ce récit.
13 pages étaient présentes dans le « Millenium Edition Jim Lee » de 2007 paru chez Delcourt.
Vivement un Avengers legendes
Vu sur Facebook, je trouve rien d autre
Before Fury Road there was (supposed to be) LOBO: FRAG RACE 2000. Alas, it fell into comic book limbo. I recently saw a solicitation for it while randomly thumbing through an old “Wizard” magazine. A lost opus from the Giffen/Grant/Bisley team. What could have been!
You can’t keep a bad man down, and FRAG RACE 2000 is proof positive of that.
This four-issue limited series follows the other extremely successful LOBO series, with a script by Keith Giffen and Alan Grant, and finished art by Simon Bisley.
Lobo is given the job of apprehending a felon who is posing as a race car driver in the biggest, most dangerous cross-planetary drag race in the universe: the FRAG RACE 2000. This is an endurance test of man and machine, and Lobo signs on as a driver to find the creep in question. And since he can’t figure out which driver is his quarry, he decides to frag them all!
This four-issue miniseries features the biggest, baddest cars in the universe, and, needless to say, tons of violence and laughs!
In other words, anything goes!
Editor- Dan Raspler
Frequency- Monthly
Pages- 32
Label- Mature
Writer- Keith Giffen, Alan Grant
Penciller/ Inker- Simon Bisley
Format- New
Duration- 4 Issues
Ship Date- 4th Quarter '92
I’ve labored for twenty years under the delusion that this book happened. I was confident that Biz didn’t draw it, since he never even finished Lobo’s Back , but I was fairly certain it was still solicited as a one shot by a different artist. A gander at online resources reveals that if this script ever got written, it’s still in a drawer somewhere. I do wonder if this might have morphed into Lobo: Unamerican Gladiators, though. I think that the art on this page is from the Paramilitary Xmas Special , but can’t bother to check.
« DC Bloodlines: Internal Correspondence Special #4: “Lobo: Frag Race 2000” » DC Bloodlines: Internal Correspondence Special #4: “Lobo: Frag Race 2000”
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