BLADE (Stephen Norrington)

Un film précurseur à plus d’un titre effectivement.

« Ten years later, Marvel would be praised for elevating a lesser known property, Iron Man, into a fantastic, fantastically successful film. Seventeen years later, Marvel Studios chief would announce that its films would begin moving away from full-on origin stories in favor of the “in media res” type of storytelling on display in Blade . Eighteen years later, Fox would have a massive success with an R-rated superhero film, Deadpool . Twenty years later, Marvel would finally launch a new franchise, Black Panther , with a non-white central character. Blade is a pioneer in all of these developments, if not the comic book film craze as a whole. »

Par commodité et pour ceux qui préfèrent ne pas consulter des tonnes de topics pour savoir s’il y aurait sur le forum d’éventuelles discussions portant sur Blade, voici un florilège non-exhaustif de citations liées à ce film, tirées de différents threads :